View Full Version : hiya im richard im glad i found this forum

14-06-11, 15:59
hello richard here - I came across this site/forum when i was suffering from anxiety and depression which i still am

I didnt think i was depressed I believed i was dying from a terminal illness because I had terrible symptoms such as dizziness which just came out of the blue and just felt horrible ...these symptoms started when i stopped taking metazapine last year which i find odd almost like metazapine have messed up my brain chemistry as i never got these dizzy spells panic attacks when i was taking the medication or before i started taking it .

I met my ex partner 2 months after stopping taking them and i just had this feeling i had caught HIV off him and then i began to get all of the symptoms of HIV ,,,,i was terrified to get a test but had many blood tests in hope they could find out if i was HIV they didnt – out of the blue my ex partner told me his ex was HIV five months into the relationship.

This made me terrified and i was now convinced i was HIV so i decided to be brave and had a full std screening and i was given the all clear ...my ex partner then began to become violent and smashed up the flat and held me hostage at knife point to which the police were involved – we then split up but i have not been the same since !.

Anyway im glad I found this forum it has helped me come to terms with my anxiety but i still feel i have something wrong with me but all my blood tests come back normal and im left thinking im going crazy and its all in my head which it could be but people do not seem to understand how bad and severe i feel when these dizzy spells happen ...they scare me and now im at a point where i avoid certain foods just incase i have a allergy ..i want to find out what causes these feelings because i cant cope with them and if i have to live with these feelings for the rest of my life there would be no point in living .

ANYBODY got any advice for me please ?

14-06-11, 16:02
Hi trickyricky

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes