View Full Version : Panic and anxiety back with avengence

14-06-11, 18:45
I suffered from anxiety and panic from 2008-2009 and managed to "cure" myself by taking Citalopram and doing some CBT, all good.

Last June I and my daughter moved 200 miles away from my family to be with my fiance and I managed to fall pregnant at the the same time. Pregnancy was awful, felt sick for nine months, which was hell for an emetophobe like me.

My son was born in February and since then I have been getting progressively more anxious. I am on day 7 of Citalopram and I can honestly say it is like being in hell, I am having panic attacks every day and I'm not able to control them (I used to be able to). The Citalopram didn't do this to me last time, so I'm at a loss as to what's happening to me.

I am also very stressed as I have been waiting over a month to have a root canal and this anxiety is making me terrified of going to the dentist as I feel sick ALL the time (a side effect of the anxiety which I suffered from before) and I feel trapped when in the chair. I am constantly terrified that my temporary filling will dissolve (part of my tooth has broken away too) and it's making things worse.

The dr has just prescribed 2mg of Diazepam to help me through this rough phase of the Citalopram, I'm rather nervous about taking it to be honest. But I'm starting to struggle going out, so need to take it I think. I'm also due to put the Citalopram up to 20mg tonight and I'm really scared.

Is it normal to get panic attacks on just 10mg of Citalopram? It's driving me crazy as even when the attack has stopped I feel really edgy and on "red alert" for the next attack, which means I usually feel awful all day. Picking my daughter up from school is becoming increasingly difficult, any advice would be welcome.

14-06-11, 23:26
I suffered from anxiety and panic from 2008-2009 and managed to "cure" myself by taking Citalopram and doing some CBT, all good.

Last June I and my daughter moved 200 miles away from my family to be with my fiance and I managed to fall pregnant at the the same time. Pregnancy was awful, felt sick for nine months, which was hell for an emetophobe like me.

My son was born in February and since then I have been getting progressively more anxious. I am on day 7 of Citalopram and I can honestly say it is like being in hell, I am having panic attacks every day and I'm not able to control them (I used to be able to). The Citalopram didn't do this to me last time, so I'm at a loss as to what's happening to me.

I am also very stressed as I have been waiting over a month to have a root canal and this anxiety is making me terrified of going to the dentist as I feel sick ALL the time (a side effect of the anxiety which I suffered from before) and I feel trapped when in the chair. I am constantly terrified that my temporary filling will dissolve (part of my tooth has broken away too) and it's making things worse.

The dr has just prescribed 2mg of Diazepam to help me through this rough phase of the Citalopram, I'm rather nervous about taking it to be honest. But I'm starting to struggle going out, so need to take it I think. I'm also due to put the Citalopram up to 20mg tonight and I'm really scared.

Is it normal to get panic attacks on just 10mg of Citalopram? It's driving me crazy as even when the attack has stopped I feel really edgy and on "red alert" for the next attack, which means I usually feel awful all day. Picking my daughter up from school is becoming increasingly difficult, any advice would be welcome.

Sorry to hear that You've got trouble with panic again. I too thought that i was cured but other things can set anxiety off. You have had all the stress of pregnancy and you are only 7 days in the tabs. I found i was edgy at first with tabs but you should start to settle soon but at the moment you are in panic circle-attack-on edge-attack. I hope you get well soon, try to give it another week if you can if it's still the same see your GP. I am no expert though, but thats my experience of taking tabs.

15-06-11, 11:45
Thanks James. I have had another horrendous PA this morning, I managed to stave it off for about an hour, but succumbed in the end. I took a 2mg Diazepam which didn't help much and I am still very on edge now.

I also had a PA at 3am this morning, I have NEVER suffered from panic at night before, I took a diazepam then too and it did work that time and I eventually went back to sleep.

I have to pick my daughter up from school later and I am very scared about that, I am supposed to take her to a tennis lesson later too, but don't think I have the ability to cope with that at the moment. I feel like a terrible mother and I am beginning to despair at how bad I feel each day.

15-06-11, 16:11
Just had a major meltdown, dr has told me to come off the Citalopram gradually as I am getting extreme side effects and cannot function.

I am very upset.

16-06-11, 20:48
Sorry that You've had more attacks, It is so so hard I know. Try not to feel You are letting anyone down it can't be helped. I hope that the other tabs work for You. How have You been today?