View Full Version : Loosing control and really frightened :[ Please help

14-06-11, 19:08
Arghhhh my anxiety about this is back with a vengeance :( I can't help myself about googling. The doctor had a look and examined my breasts, and she said it was nothing to worry about, but I know inflammatory breast cancer can't be detected through lumps.

And my left breast is STILL warmer than my left and it's much larger and swollen. And I found a weird red mark on the underside of my breast that wasn't there yesterday, it's not raised or anything. And one of the symptoms is that your nipple can sink or become inverted, and I keep looking and have managed to convince myself it doesn't look right - despite my boyfriend telling me it looks the same and fine.

I'm really sorry if this is a bit personal and excessive. I just don't know what to do. I keep checking and checking obsessively to test the warmth and the left one is definetely hotter, bigger and has this weird tiny red mark.

I am on my period and thats the ONLY thing thats keeping me under control. :( But i'm 4 days into it, not sure if that can still make breast symptoms. GOD i'm totally freaking out :(

14-06-11, 19:50
Ahh I can't get this outta my head :(

14-06-11, 19:56
Have trust in your Doctor. Doctors are experienced people. They know what to look out for. Your symptoms DO NOT match up to breast cancer. They just match up to it being your 'time of the month'. :P I know it's hard, but you MUST stop Googling. Google is never right. It's not a person and cannot diagnose you. It just uses the keywords in your search to come up with some random web pages that will scare you. Hope you feel better soon. x

14-06-11, 20:06
Thanks for your reply :). I'm just worried about the two things it said which were: increased size in breast and warmth in that same breast.

Really scared :(

14-06-11, 20:16
I agree ...stop googling symptoms - my mother is constantly googling symtoms and she suffers with health anxiety as do i and my sister ..it runs in my family but i stay away from google and my mum still goes and googles my symptoms -she even told me i had the symptoms of HIV when i believed i had caught it of a ex who had two exes who were HIV and i am negative but she didnt help me with my health anxiety

14-06-11, 20:19
I bet you feel the two symptoms more now that you have read that they are symtoms because your mind is a powerfull thing and it will play tricks on you because you will convince yourself you have breast cancer

14-06-11, 20:26
I know I shouldn't google. I totally stayed away from it for a while. But my mind just goes into 'if I don't find out more I might miss something'. I completely agree with you all about staying away. Usually I can bring a lot more reason into my anxiety, but for this concern it's worse because I can see and feel the symptoms, rather than just be scared about them. Don't know if that makes sense... I mean I can feel the heat and see the increase in size.

I really do appriciate your replies everyone, I guess i'm just at a point where I need some reassurance and i'm finding it hard to remain calm :[

14-06-11, 20:33
working yourself up wont help u ..easiar said than done but try to occupy your mind with something else like music or a movie etc or go for a walk .....if your symptoms dont go away after a week go to the doctors or go sooner if your really worried to ease your mind !

anx mum
14-06-11, 20:38
working yourself up wont help u ..easiar said than done but try to occupy your mind with something else like music or a movie etc or go for a walk .....if your symptoms dont go away after a week go to the doctors or go sooner if your really worried to ease your mind !

Hi ur bk did your leg problem clear up? Still got mine although feeling better. I think all these symptoms r anxiety u wouldnt believe the pains i had i truly believed something was wrong they did find acid reflex.

14-06-11, 20:45
Hi, yeah my HA is at a peak unfortunately :[. My leg pain completely went, thankfully! After I accepted it was just in my mind and muscle tension, now I don't get a pain at all. That's good that your feeling better, i'm glad.

I think my symptoms must be tied in with my period, thats what i'm hoping. But i'll give it a while, and hopefully they'll go away.

14-06-11, 21:20
Hi, I'm so sorry you're still really stressed about this but as the others said, the doctor does know best and would have said if she was concerned at all. the other thing is that, if you are constantly checking and examing your breast, you could possibly end up marking it yourself. Please try not to worry xxx

14-06-11, 22:21
I'll try not to worry. I guess the DR probably would have noticed if the heat or something was not normal.

Could it be warmer because its over my heart?

14-06-11, 23:11
Does anyone know how long into a period breast symptoms go away?

14-06-11, 23:20
Hey there my breasts get tender and sore b4 and while i'm on my period and will last sometimes until my period has finished, but it can vary from month to month. If a doctor has checked you out then I guess he/she did not suspect anything dodgy which is good. I don't know ur age or if u are high risk from breast problems, but ur doctor will do. If however u don't feel at ease then I suggest u see ur doctor again and ask what is causing this? Hopefully that will put ur mind at rest :)

15-06-11, 00:32
I'm 22, don't think i'm at high risk. Dr said nothing to worry about, she said my breasts are very lumpy, so it's hard to do examinations.

I just hope it's to do with my period :(