View Full Version : Totally Stressed !!

14-06-11, 21:53
Totally stressed today , food feels as though its getting stuck in my chest when i swallow, have got reflux but take omperazole. Worried that mybe my osephagus has narrowed.
Also due to have yearly eye check up on thursday as have raised eye pressure and just have it monitered at the moment.
Also fissure has still not healed, still using gtn cream.
Its all to much, what if my ospegaus is damged.
I cant think rationally at the moment !!!

14-06-11, 23:04
Calm down :) its easy to get carried away when u have a number of health concerns, U have to deal with them one at a time, and not get to worried about the 'ifs' been there myself to many times, and u end up a nervous wreck! I'd speak to ur doctor about ur concerns or a chemist they might be able to help ease ur concern :)