View Full Version : Toilet question sorry guys :(

14-06-11, 22:48
Hi there all, sorry for this question about my toilet habits!! Over the past few weeks I've been experiencing alternating loose stools, to normal, on a daily basis. (Have two bowels movements a day) The loose stools seem to be more so in the morning after breakfast. I thought that this might be to do with milk as I have cereal!! But not sure as I drink milk all the time of the day and have no problem with it. I have in the past suffered from IBS but tended to get more bloating and constipation than loose stools. Don't really suffer from this now, but I guess it could be a flare up! I've also been going through a stressful time from work related problems so I guess this to can affect it to.

Any advice appreciated :)

14-06-11, 23:38
Do u mean the runs or just small poo s ? anxiety can cause the runs ..maybe somthing u have eaten

14-06-11, 23:42
Hehe yeah it more like diarrhea, but it changes back to normal again later in the day! And its not everday but its something that I've noticed. I'm thinking its more IBS/stress related rather than what i'm eating, as I eat no different to what I normally eat. Thanks for the reply anyway, much appreciated :)

14-06-11, 23:56
dont worry about it - i find if i cut out all my crap from diet bread etc and eat healthy i feel better but its so boring lol

15-06-11, 02:34
Hi, I have ibs also and when I'm really stressed or worked up I find my bowel habits can alternate like loose in the morning then almost like constipation in the afternoon, the bowel is very sensitive to when your anxious....try not to worry too much....:yesyes: