View Full Version : Nurse with severe health anxiety

14-06-11, 22:54
Hi everyone my name is Shannon I'm from Australia, I suffer from severe health anxiety, since December last year I have had ovarian cancer,bowel cancer, blood clots, and now I'm obsessing about mnd because I have fibromyalgia which causes me to twitch when I have flare ups.....please someone talk to me and help me with my irrational fears::scared15:

14-06-11, 22:56
Hi Shanny63

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

14-06-11, 23:42
Well I did it again I googles mnd and frightened myself to death again.....when will I learn what's wrong with me...:shrug:

14-06-11, 23:46
I can imagine I would be anxious super anxious if I had blood clots and cancer. Im sorry you are having health fears and hope you find comfort here. Also I wanted you to know that in the medical profession also with psychologist are not immune to being anxious as well as doctors and nurse etc....so its really not uncommon. So hang in there and try to think good thoughts and be positive.We are glad you are here,and hope you feel better soon.Michael

15-06-11, 11:53
Welcome to NMP :) Have fun, don't be afraid to say how you feel. We are all one big *anxious* family. Take care, Rafaela. xxx

15-06-11, 15:26
I can imagine I would be anxious super anxious if I had blood clots and cancer. Im sorry you are having health fears and hope you find comfort here. Also I wanted you to know that in the medical profession also with psychologist are not immune to being anxious as well as doctors and nurse etc....so its really not uncommon.

You are so right Michael....I'm a prime example!

Hi Shannon...I'm also a nurse ( not working as one currently though) and I honestly think that it is really hard having anxiety (HA in particular) and being in the healthcare field as knowledge is definitely NOT power in this case! I think that because we work with patients every day, and see all sorts of ilnesses, conditions, etc. we can automatically pinpoint what our own health concerns MIGHT be, sometimes diagnosing them, and work ourselves into a right state about it.

It sucks.

You have had a hard road by the sounds of it with your illnesses, and it is no wonder that you are anxious about your health.

Please know that you are not alone in this, and this is a great site on which to vent your fears and frustrations and gain reassurance from others thoughts about stuff. It honestly does help.


15-06-11, 16:53
:)Hi I am also a nurse with long standing anxiety problems. Sounds like
you have every reason to be anxious; so i reckon you should stp beating yourself up over this & treat yourself nicely :flowers:

15-06-11, 17:54
I'm not a nurse but I work in Occupational Therapy and am also at university training to be one - and have had anxiety including health anxiety for years - and am hoping to get a job in mental health (away from the acute hospital i work in now) when i qualify x