View Full Version : another one! just wen i thought i was on the mend!

15-06-11, 00:49
Just had a panic attack n anxiety attack, just laid watching a dvd wen all of a sudden the weirdness of like flashes flash across me and my chest, I instantly grab my wrist to check my pulse! My heart felt like it was really slow that it was gunna stop, cudnt feel a pulse in my wrist! Panic even more! So rush my hand up to feel the pulse in my neck, get a weak pulse, up and fly out of bed straight into the bathroom there I feel so weird like I'm not in the real world, then I feel this almighty pressure in my head like sumone is pushing me down, realise nothing is gunna happen to me..calm down a bit heart racing phew..wot a couple of minutes, I feel drained now. Anyone else care to share who r up at this time of nite or shud I say morning? Thanks for listening to my rant! But I'm so cheesed off just wen I thought I cud settle down n have a gud nites sleep but ohhh nooo mrs panic anxiety strikes again!!!

15-06-11, 01:35
Hi hope your feeling ok now, its terrible when it happens just as your ready for bed, this also happens to me a lot when I am relaxed and ready for sleep I think its because I'm over aware with my breathing and pulse etc .. I hope u can settle down and finally get some sleep x

15-06-11, 19:09
yeah i seem to get most of my attacks now just before sleep, i agree with cluck i think its because your more aware of your body, just try and remember that you are having a panic attack and you can get through this.