View Full Version : New here and need a friend

15-06-11, 07:31
Hi I'm David, I'm 51 and after 4 years of illness and bad luck seem to be reaching my lowest point. The jobs gone, the money's very nearly gone and certainly will be after my wife's divorced me and my house will be following that.
After a breakdown 3 years ago and an illness/operation caused by a prescription I was taking for depression/anxiety, I really don' know which way to turn. I'm seeing a CBT therapist, who has been a rock, but obviously this is costing me money I can ill afford. My original doctor (who was brilliant) has left and after a string of locums, my current doctor is next to useless. He is a great one for giving me forms to fill in, which just confirm I'm depressed. This I already know. !!!!!!!!
I was going to start working for myself as a gardener/handymen, but my car is dying and I don't have the cash for a better one and as I will probably end up in a grotty flat or bedsit, won't have anywhere for my tools etc.
My wife has just recently moved out and whilst I can cope with the washing and cleaning, I'm really struggling with the cooking thing. (although there have been funny moments !!!, despite my laughter often end up as tears !!!)
Other than my parents (who help with money) I'm pretty much alone, and feel rather isolated, with other family and former friends showing no interest in me. I'm suffering every day with anxiety and panic attacks and will only take half a 5mg diazepam per day maximum. I'm getting all sorts of pains and feelings with these panic attacks which leave me very tired and low.
Where do I go from here .................... any ideas anyone

15-06-11, 08:03
Hi daveyt

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

15-06-11, 11:52
Welcome to NMP :) Have fun, Don't be afraid to say how you feel. We are all one big *anxious* family. Raf. xx

Veronica H
15-06-11, 15:23
:welcome:to NMP David. Glad that you have found us.
