View Full Version : Bad Posture and Stomach Pain - anyone else have this?

15-06-11, 10:16
I have really bad posture. I was diagnosed with mild scoliosis as a child, but did not receive any treatment. I'm in my late 20's now and the problem has gotten worse - my ribs are visibly uneven now. I regularly slouch to the left side when I'm at the computer, driving, just plain sitting etc. The pain varies in intensity but is basically just uncomfortable. It is always in my lower left rib area and upper left abdominal area. It feels almost as if I'm pinching or smashing my colon or whatever organs might be around there. The pain will linger sometimes for days and will even hurt if I try to stretch in the opposite direction. I'm guessing though if I've damaged any nerves or muscle the pain won't go away over night, especially if I still haven't corrected my bad posture.

So basically, I'm looking for reassurance that I'm smashing my guts - to put it a little silly...

It probably sounds like I've answer my own question, but I can't sleep at all and would love to hear your feedback to put me at ease.

Thanks guys!

15-06-11, 10:49
Hi, i can't lie on my back for long or else i get the pains that you described. I've never known what they are but i also slouch a lot and don't straighten my back. The thing that always puzzles me is why i get the pains at the front of my abdomen when i lie on my back. Don't think you'd damage anything but it doesn't feel nice x