View Full Version : cold at the weekend now got tingly fingers and feet

15-06-11, 11:59
and it worrying me. was it just the cold that has made my fingers and feet tingle?

15-06-11, 12:25
Hey, i'vd just actually been reading about this in CBT books. What the tingling is; it's just a completely normal bodily reaction to your mind and body preparing for action or danger, e.g. The 'fight or flight', don't know if you've heard of that (you probably have), but people with anxiety when they get anxious their body prepares them for danger - even though there is no danger. It's a completely normal process and actually just the body performing really well.

So the tingling your feeling is the the body basically making sure that if your in danger (eg your running away from a tiger) then your not going to bleed out if you get cut in your most important places: your hands and feet.

It's also pumping blood more to your more vital places, like your lungs, etc.

So it's nothing to worry about, it's actually a very clever bodily function that humans have had for a very long time.

Even though it's a pain in the neck for HA sufferers!!

So yeah, all normal and all healthy :)

15-06-11, 14:50
Ive just found a great book called the mind / body prescription - regarding TMS.

Basiclaly states that a lot of body pain/numbness/ tingling infact any negative physical feelings can all be stress related/ buried hurt emotions etc. People with TMS typically have a background of anxiety, panic attacks and worry. He gives lots of tips in his book, i have just ordered it from amazon (The reviews were outstanding - lots of people now pain free) and am looking forward to receiving it.

He tells you amongst other things to work through the pain. If your ankle hurts, forget it and keep walking etc etc Dont stop typing if you have RSI, keep going, dont let it stop you. Manifestations of other things that cannot be stored by the brain coming out in physical form. Which as long as you get checked and other stuff is ruled out, pretty much makes sense for most of us on here. X

15-06-11, 16:47
Could be related to having bad circulation?

15-06-11, 17:18
i reckon it could be bad circulation plus anxiety makes it 100 times worse.

thanks for the book recommendation.