View Full Version : feeling a bit puzzled, can anyone explain ?

23-04-06, 12:17
I'm not quite sure how to put this so that people will understand but i'll do my best.
I've jus been listening to a self hypnosis CD, and although i felt deeply relaxed, for some reason i found this a bit disturbing + felt uncomfortable + anxious + afterwards i felt a bit weird. how is it possible to feel both relaxed and scared at the same time? i though feeling relaxed could only be a good thing and was the ultimate goal for people with anxiety.
can anyone else relate to this or offer an explanation? and do you think that its worth me continuing along the deep relaxation route, might it start to work properly if i get used to it?
does anyone understand any of that?

23-04-06, 12:59
Yes I totally understand - I have the same problem. I think we are afraid of losing control and so as we relax actually we start to worry! I reckon keep going!!!!

Good luck xx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

23-04-06, 13:20
thanks fee
i think maybe you have a point, it makes sense

23-04-06, 14:02
Yes, have found that myself- had relaxaton "whale" tape. Worked for a while then started to give me the horrors. Think I got to associate it with feeling anxious. Also its uncomfortable to Let go . - like relaxing while sitting on a high wall. you want to, but your subconcious tells you to be on your guard. Have worked on relaxing little and often no pressure on how deeply. And rewarding myself with something (banana sarnie, anything) afterwards to imprint " relaxation nice- not vunerable" Sad I know, but who gives a monkeys! Susan

23-04-06, 15:01

I had real problems relaxing too when I first started using relaxation cd's .... I think what Fee and susan said is right and it's that we are afraid of letting go and relaxing.
I stuck with my cd and now I actually manage to fall asleep sometimes as I get so relaxed.
Try to stick with it as you will get the benefits.

23-04-06, 16:18
Hi Emster, I felt a bit strange when I started doing relaxation but I think it was down to not being used to the feeling of being relaxed. Eventually, it did settle down for me and I hope you start to feel better too. I would perservere with it and it should get better for you too.
Take care

23-04-06, 17:43
Hi All

I think with relaxation it has to be practised quite a lot. I remember listening to a hypnotherapy cd I have, I felt relaxed but my heart was racing! It doesn't make sense does it? I just continued to do the relaxation and gradually the heart settled down. Keep at it I think.

What someone said above about relaxation little and often sounds like an excellent idea. I think I would find it much better if I could do say one 30 minutes or even 15 with a cd rather than a longer one. Anyone know of any good short relaxation tapes on offer anywhere.

I find that I have to use a taped recording for relaxtion, if I just lie down and relax and try to do say, progressive relaxation myself it doesn't work as well because my mind keeps wandering.

Take care all.


Y Goble

23-04-06, 18:06
keep practising it and it will get better
its cause our bodies are so used to being tense and the fear of letting go
keep doing it though and ignore the sensations that arise


........life is for living not just for surviving

24-04-06, 08:55
I am with the rest of the gang on this one. When we are anxious we hold ourself tense all the time as if it can protect us by doing this and its sometimes only when we relax that we are aware of the pain/tenseness in our body and we feel more vulnerable, i guess like has also been said its something that we need to get used to, i would keep it up if i was you

I just want my life back