View Full Version : Fine until people come home?

15-06-11, 15:48
I'm 19 and live at home and my anxiety is much less pronounced when I'm alone during the day. As soon as my mum gets back from work, I start panicking. Yesterday she came back slightly early and I panicked even more.

Do other people get this too?

15-06-11, 17:35
yea, its funny because I had the same thing. In the height of my panic days it was always worse around other people, even those close to me. I wish i could explain why, but i could never work it out. My advise is to not run from it, expose yourself to it, the more you do the stronger you get. It may help if you explain to your mum what your going through (if you havent already). I kept it hidden for years, but felt much better once I stopped hiding it. And even though im not totally free, it helped me in the great fight we face.

good luck dude
