View Full Version : I Hate BLIPS

15-06-11, 17:35
Well for weeks now it seems it what I'm having, blips as it's called on here.I'm not sure if it's my anxiety of the meds. It all started after a bad hangover.

I've been on Citalopram for like 6 years and I take 1 every 2 days in the past few years but I keep forgetting to take it like that, so I've started taking 20mg 1 every day for the past week.
Symptoms are doing my head in, if it's anxiety or the meds causing it. Anyway Feeling dizzy, flushed and can feel my heart beat but it's not pounding like a drum. It's just freakin' me out a bit cause I don't feel like this normally my anxiety comes from being outside like waiting rooms e.t.c. and NOT in the house and funnily enough I'm not feeling bad at all outside.

I cant handle the feeling I'm going to pass out it just gets me worked up.

15-06-11, 17:58
Well...at least if you are having blips it means you aren't feeling rotten all of the time! Ot means you are improving, as you must be recovering from your blips. You will get stronger a blip at a time. Power in blips. Don't hate them, love them as part of you, and laugh at them when they happen.

15-06-11, 18:29
Yeah i do laugh at them but for some reason I'm paying much more attention to them.