View Full Version : anyone???

23-04-06, 13:06
When i wake up i find i have a terrible stiffness in my eyes and neck like i struggle to focus, its sort of dream like but an uncoimfortable feeling comes with it in my eyes and neck. ive posted about this before but just wondering if the new members experience it. Obviously lots of other serious things are coming into my head like clots and tumours but im trying to think positively


23-04-06, 15:47
Hi Katy, sorry you are feeling so horrible at the moment. It is hard work this anxiety isn't it? It presents us with so many awful symptoms and we cannot convince ourselves it is "just anxiety" But, that is what happens, we have a pain/dizziness/eyes out of focus and we automatically assume we have a brain tumour/heart attack you know the rest mate. You do not have a tumour, nor a blood clot, the symptoms you describe are anxiety related, not a serious disorder, that i can promise. Keep the positive side of your mind open, try (hard as it is) to distract yourself with, maybe t.v, music anything you enjoy.Sorry if i sound harsh but i really do understand (along with many others here) what you are going through. take care and please keep in touch. xx