View Full Version : Anyone had the treatment for helicobacter

15-06-11, 20:05
Hi as most of you know i have had bad stomach symptoms for 4 months now.,burping,trapped wind ,acid ,reflux,stapping pains.I tested positive for helicobacter and did try to take the tabs but my fear of allergic reaction and side effects got the better of me and i couldnt go through with it.But over the last few days i have managed to convince myself to give them another try as deep down i do know this is probably whats causing all these symtoms.So going to docs on friday and telling him im going to try again.I think i had posted to ask this question before but not sure but really could do with some advice again from those of you who managed to complete the treatment.Just so scared they will do me some terrible harm.kind regards molly

15-06-11, 20:11
Hi Molly,

As you may remember I told you that I too had helicobacter and was successfully treated. I can hardly remember how I felt now for the week of the treatment it had such little impact.

Have you had antibiotics before...and if so any problems with them? It is well worth getting it sorted now if you're continuing with stomach problems - honestly!

Let us know how you get on. x

15-06-11, 20:54
Hi thanks yes i do remember you telling me .I havent had a antibiotic in about 15 years but i dont think i had any probs with them.Do you feel it helped your symptoms .Thank you again for your reply kind regards molly

15-06-11, 21:14
After h pylori was treated I was absolutely fine for months.

Stomach has been problematic the last 18 months or so again, but I would say not as bad and wonder how much is anxiety related, as soon as I get any stomach discomfort the anxiety kicks in and the viscous circle along with it!

15-06-11, 21:20
Hi Molly

I am currently being treated at the moment for it. Last day of the tablets tomorrow. I was petrified of taking all the tablets worrying about side effects. I have been fine on them.

Hope you manage to get through the course of tablets without worrying too much.

Alison :)

15-06-11, 21:21
Hi thank you again ,im sorry you are having stomach issues again have you tried taking anything again.?what was your symptoms from the helicobacter bug.?Ive just got to the point where i just dont see what else it could be .My doc says anxiety is what he thinks it is but i really dont think it can cause these symptoms 24 hours a day and if i dont take the antibiotics ,im going to torture myself with all the bad thoughts of what it might be for another 4 months .I just hate all the worry .kind regards molly

17-06-11, 18:45
Hi sorry i didnt see your post .Thats great you managed okay with the weeks course.Did you have any side effects ,im worried as i have to work and cant afford to take time off work so i really hope i dont get sick.Also have you found any noticable improvement .What were your symtoms from the bacteria.I was at my docs today and i told him i am going to have to take the antibitiocs so i have to go back on monday afternoon and take them in my docs office as he said this will help as im so scared of having a severe sudden reaction .So at least if im at doctors he will be able to help me.It sounds totally ridiculous i know but the fear is so bad its the only way im going to get them down my throat.I just know i cant stand these stomach symptoms anymore and need to deal with them once and for all.kind regards molly xx

17-06-11, 19:03
:bighug1::bighug1:Hi Molly my symptoms were heartburn & acid reflux. So i was tested & it came back positive. I finished the course yesterday. Like you though I was frightened to take all those tablets because I couldn't afford to be off work like you. Well i was really pleased as I didn't get any side effects with the tablets. I did put off taking the tablets for 2 days as I was frightened. I think it was all in my mind though. I am still getting the heartburn but I have to go back the docs in 4 weeks to be re-tested to check that the helicabactor has cleared up.

Hope you feel better taking them at the docs & I really hope your symptoms improve. I am sure you will be fine.

Big hugs Alison xx

17-06-11, 19:28
Hi allison thank you for your reply.Im glad you finished the course without any upset .I cant wait until ive got to that point.Has your acid reflux settled.My symptoms are acid ,burping a lot .feeling wind trapped as soon as i eat or drink the smallest thing and feeling terribly full after my meals.It has went on for so long i know deep down i should have taken the meds 4 months ago but my fear takes over any logic i have.I am totally dreading monday as i know i am going to be shaken from head to toe.Thanks again kind regards mollyxx

17-06-11, 20:05
Hi it has settled slightly but my GP said I could carry on with the normal heartburn tablets so that's what I am going to do. I am sure you will be fine taking them but I was panicking nearly all day on the first day I took them. I do think it's all in the mind though. I just tried to be positive when I took them
& think it's fine they won't harm me & I am taking them to help me. I hope after the week your symptoms clear & you feel better. Keep me posted on how you get on. Am always happy to talk & put your mind at rest whenever. I have been there & I know exactly how you feel. Love Alison xx:)

17-06-11, 20:13
Thank you again i will keep you posted and let you know how it goes.kind regards molly xx

18-06-11, 16:51
Starting the antibiotics on monday at docs and cos its getting nearer im getting really scared and panicky about being allergic and side effects.The dose is high 2, 500mg amoxicillin and 1, 500mg clarithmycin both of these twice a day.Plus i have to take 20mg omeprazole before taking these .All these for 7 days .Im just getting so scared now but i know i have to for my stomach .God hate being in such a state over it.kind regards molly

18-06-11, 16:55
hi molly,

i took the tablets for this about 2 months ago. the anti biotics knocked me about a bit tbh. suffered with bad stomach and felt a little lightheaded. i was also on omeprazole which i had been taking for a long time anyway my body is fine with them. it is vitally important to treat the infection so to avoid ulcers in the future and to prevent long term damage to the stomach lining and ur windpipe and gullet etc. also there is a minimal increased risk of stomach cancer (but dont worry,everything now days is associated with it)

bare the brunt of the tablets as it is very important to stop the infections!!

good luck

18-06-11, 17:25
Hi thank you for replying ,that is my big fear right now stomach cancer as ive had these symptoms for 4 months now but docs said i would no all about it by now .I def know i have to treat this but just so scared.Did your stomach symptoms improve after treatment.Kind regards molly xx

18-06-11, 17:28
yes def, i was gettin pains in my abdomen and tht cleared i still get some acid issues and take omeprazole daily but the chances of h pylori returning after treatment are almost non exsistant. the meds will be fine trust me! and it really is important to get it treated :) x

18-06-11, 17:35
Hi again yes i am def going to take them ,im going to docs on monday to take my first does in his office ,as its the only way i will get them down my throat .Its ridiculous i know but my fear of meds is so so bad.Its all the stories you read and hear about .The prob is i know i will start imagining symptoms after ive taken them .thanks again kind regards molly

19-06-11, 20:39
Going to docs tommorrow to get the antibiotics ,im really panicky now.Keep thinking what if i have a bad allergic reaction ,my throat swelling or something.Or have awfull side effects.Just so blooming terrified but i know i have to take them as my stomach not getting any better .Hate feeling this anxious .kind regards molly xx

20-06-11, 07:06
Good morning Molly just wanted to wish you good luck at the docs today. I am sure you will be fine. Try not to get too anxious over taking the tablets. I am sure they will help you. Let me know how you get on. Alison :-)

20-06-11, 11:34
Thanks allison ,my app is at 3.40 .Felt sick all morning at work cos im so anxious just need to get it over with.kind regards molly xx

20-06-11, 17:26
Well ive had my first dose at 3.40 pm i do feel very sick and a bit of stomach pain so im a bit anxious about that.I sat with the nurse at my surgery and swallowed the pills she was lovely and kept me talking so i wouldnt focus on it too much.Ive taken the day off work tomorrow just in case i feel sickly so at least i can rest if i need too.Just hope i wont get anymore side effects.kind regards molly xx

20-06-11, 19:00
Hi Molly well done for taking your first lot. It might be in your mind that you feel a bit sick because you know you have taken them. The first lot I took a just felt drowsy for a couple of hours but after that I was fine. Try not to concentrate on it too much. Are you taking the next lot in the morning? :-)

20-06-11, 19:19
HI allison it might be down to anxiety ,its not as bad now but now i feel pure itchy not sure if thats all in my head too .No rash though.I feel so glad ive got the first dose over with that def was the hardest part.I just hope the next is ok.Im not sure when to take the next dose i was thinking about 10 tonight .Thanks again kind regards molly xx

20-06-11, 19:34
Hi it might be in your mind but being itchy isn't too bad I suppose. I also didn't read the side effects on the leaflet because I knew if I did I would start to put things in my mind. How many tablets are you taking? I had to take 1 lanasoperazole, 1 metronidizole & 2 amoxicillian twice a day. So I used to take 4 tablets in the morning around breakfast time & then 4 tablets around tea time. It's up to you when you want to take the next dose. Always here for you even if you want to PM me if that's better for you. Keep smiling :-) xx

20-06-11, 19:55
Hi allison i will pm you knid rergards molly x

25-06-11, 09:49
Hi well im on my 6th day of the triple therapy ,one more day to go.To be honest ive felt pretty awfull on it but it had to be done.Ive been going to work all week and crawling in to bed when i get home.I also think my anxiety over it hasnt helped.The thing is im still burping like mad it dosent seemed to have helped that at all.So im worried it wasnt the hp at all and something worse .Though the acid is better but the omeprazole help that anyway so not sure.I suppose i wont know for a few days after the treatment to see if its actually worked.kind regards molly xx

27-06-11, 09:18
I read that taking acidophilus supplements (they're probiotics... or good bacteria) can help get rid of h. pylori.

Why not try it? It's more natural than medicines. Plus, it's good for you and has no side effects.

I suffered from the same symptoms as you (but the doctors said it's either acid reflux/GERD or plain anxiety) and don't want to take PPIs and other drugs so i took acidophilus capsules (from Healthy Options) instead. my symptoms disappeared within a week. i also applied lifestyle changes so that could be it... either way, acidophilus is good for us!!

my gastroenterologists don't believe me. they'd rather prescribe more drugs. i haven't gone back to them for a while. doctors seem to have weird interests...

i hope they work for you too!