View Full Version : Peoples symptoms and how long they last

15-06-11, 21:01
Hey this is my first post and im looking for some peace of mind.

I'm 20 years old and have been suffering now for around 4 months. I am 6'3 , (was very active) less so no due to the attacks, have no obvious triggers for the attacks. My panic attacks literally last for days on end making life miserable and bleak to say the least.

The past 4 months of my life have been wasted with constant attacks. Here are my symptoms:

Depersonilsation - i have this almost all the time, it feels as though im in auto-pilot, i can spend a days on end feeling like this and its sooo frustrating !

Vision problems - My vision has been going slightly blury lately, i cant focus on anything for long and it only adds to the annoyance of trying to complete my daily tasks.

Fatigue - i often feel fatigued which stops me staying active through sport, something i have loved doing all my life.

I often feel my heart slow also and had a long stage where i would constantly check my pulse. i still do this occasionally but its not nearly as bad as it once was.

Perhaps my most worrying symptom is that i often slump as though my heart has stopped, this i think is heavily related to the depersonalisation and although I am aware of what im doing i still do it.

Unlike most panic attack sufferers I have read about I do not suffer from palpitations.

This is pretty much it form my attacks. I would appreciate people taking the time to document their experience briefly so i compare my own experience and perhaps seek comfort in knowing I am no different from alot of people out there.

15-06-11, 23:13
The symtoms you describe are classic symtoms of anxiety and I can identify particularly with the depersonalisation and heart beat issue. The more you think about these things the more hyper sensitive you are to them which in turn stresses you out and makes your symptoms worse! You then get locked in a vicious cycle.

Have you seen a gp and discussed your issues? Sometimes you just need something to break the cycle, such as by staying with relatives for a few days, taking medication, getting CBT or just being around people or things that help you feel safe.

Please don't make the misatke of googling you symptoms. We all do it and I am the worst! You will convince yourself you have the worst things out. Sometimes forums can make it worse in that frightened people feed off other frightened people. Often you get a skewed view of things as people tend to vent negative rather than positive thoughts.

As for tiredness, and assuming you have seen a gp, of course stress and anxiety make you tired. When you are anxious you can subconsiously be tensing your whole body without knowing it. You can also be skipping meals or not sleeping. There are a myriad of things that can really affect your energy levels. Not to mention depression and fear can literally paralyze you!

If you are anything like me at my worst, I won't feel re-assured by doctors and often feel I need lots of tests to reassure myself I am not dying. Give yourself some tlc, try to be around people and remember, these feelings WILL pass although it is hard to believe.