View Full Version : Luton Airport toilets - anyone?

15-06-11, 21:15
I know this is a silly request but I am worrying...
I am flying from Luton Airport next week and I have never flown from there before. I have been reading reviews about it being run down and budget on the net. But I am worrying about the toilets - does anyone know if the cubicles are completely closed in - ie no gap at the top or bottom.

I was locked in a cubicle in Italy once on my last call to board the flight - the lock had jammed and what a panic - now it plays on my mind.

Thank you

16-06-11, 00:27
Hi there, never flown from Luton, I have from all the others through, i'm pretty sure they are gonna be fine, I don't think u have anything to worry about, I can only speak about the airports I've been too and I don't think u will get locked in a cubicle. Hope that helps :)

16-06-11, 01:06

I have flown several times from Luton and I am not sure where those reviewers are coming from as it most definitely IS NOT run down, in fact it wasn't that long ago that the departure lounge had a massive revamp and it looks great now.

They sound like a bunch of Heathrow snobs, and I wouldn't pay it any mind. I much prefer it to the likes of Heathrow and Gatwick as it runs much, much smoother as it is so much smaller.

To be honest hun I can't positively remember if the cubicles are filled in or not, but from what I recall I think they have a gap at the bottom. That was so unlucky for you to get trapped like that and no wonder you are wary now.

I hope you have a wonderful trip.xxx:yesyes:

16-06-11, 03:57
don;t lock it, just put a bag up against the door :)
Luckily the cubical I got locked in to, was open topped so I could climb out lol

16-06-11, 12:18
Thanks all for your replies... not so sure about putting bag against door due to my OCD around toilets. Although I could put a plastic bag over my hand luggage... :)

Rachel W
16-06-11, 19:00
Ambers, I have major OCD and public toilets are the worst, however most have a gap. In fact I don't think I have ever been to one that doesn't, although it sounds as if the one in Italy didn't. However, the chance that would happen twice to you is so unlikely that I would try not to worry about it, and also there are always people around so if it did then I am sure that they would be able to get you out in a jiffy. as I think there is a little key thing that they use from the outside (just in case kids lock themselves in). Also the disabled toilet always has more room, although they can be a bit higher which makes the 'squatting over' a little more of a challenge.

I would definitely lock it though as I wouldn't trust a bag, especially if there are children around pushing on doors. Another option would be to have a friend hold the door to for you.

Why don't you try the lock before you close the door. If it feels a little stiff then move to another cubicle?

Have a safe trip.

16-06-11, 19:16
Rachel - here's the weird thing... I will try the lock and i will turn it 5 times over. Even an easy locking device I still feel uneasy. I have to record in my brain how it turns and which way it turns and I have to replay that over and over in my head (yes i know they all turn one way). I then have to watch the lock whilst um using the loo.. The ones on the plane I will not use!!! i get all confused and the simplest tasks of finding where to get the toilet roll becomes a mountain.

The one in italy had no gaps.. but that didn't cause my panic, it was already bubbling away in the background but the experience confirmed my loo fear lol


16-06-11, 19:24
know exactly what you are saying about checking and rechecking lock .........and still not processing that information in your head .

I never lock loo doors and use my foot to block it .........but am tall .
anyone who tries loo door when ajar will go Ambers when you say in use .
have good trip :hugs: