View Full Version : Luton Aiport - panic about loo's

15-06-11, 21:37
:blush:I know this is a silly request but I am worrying...
I am flying from Luton Airport next week and I have never flown from there before. I have been reading reviews about it being run down and budget on the net. But I am worrying about the toilets - does anyone know if the cubicles are completely closed in - ie no gap at the top or bottom.

I was locked in a cubicle in Italy once on my last call to board the flight - the lock had jammed and what a panic - now it plays on my mind.

PS - Also posted in HA but thought probably be better in here

Thank you


eight days a week
15-06-11, 23:53
Hey Ambers :)

I'm sorry I have never visited Luton Airport, but I thought all UK toilets needed a gap at top and bottom?

Maybe not much help but I honestly think you'll be OK, and I'm bumping your post for you :)

Good luck!

15-06-11, 23:56
When I go in those loos I put my bag against the door and don't lock it lol

Or ask a friend to stand outside and watch the door for you.

16-06-11, 14:14
Hi hun :D:hugs:

HAY, this thread is NOT silly at all, you are helping yourself to understand a situation BEFOR you go there AND thats GREAT :hugs:

You have had some great advice already.

My daughter had these issues about toilet, yes you guessed it, she got locked in once in Blackpool tower and panicked :ohmy: For a good while she would always ask me to go the loo with her and NOT lock the door, I would have to put my foot under the door so she could see it. NOW, short term, helpful, but long term, me helping IS NOT helping, over time, she learnt herself to deal with this, by putting bag against door (nicks advice ) and over time, this does not bother her anymore.

We can have fears, rational fear and irrational ones, yours is a rational fear because its happened to you before, BUT hun, you can learn how to deal with this AND you are trying, WELL DONE :hugs:

This WILL NOT happen again, YOU yourself will see to this, hun, just put your bag against the door, or do what my daughter did, she used to say "if I am not back in 5 mins, send a search party " :roflmao: she would say this as a joke, but I new it was her way of saying, if I am not back, come and get me.

Always go with what you feel comfortable yourself.

I have been on a loo with NO lock and hummed out-loud, LOL

YOU WILL be just fine hun :hugs:



16-06-11, 15:41
I would do that too if I was unsure and stick the bag against the door but not lock it. Luton Airport Loo's do have a gap under the door though

16-06-11, 15:50
Thank you all for your replies and reassurance. I no longer feel apprehensive about the loo's (much) :) Although there will be another thread shortly about mixing meds + holiday :blush:

16-06-11, 16:31
well, the gents have a gap all around, though ive never entered the ladies loos so i dont know.. Though most airports have the cheap plastic twist locks these days, so you have zero chance of getting locked in, but a higher chance of it not locking.. infact lutons toilets are much better than heathrows, and gatwicks .. they dont call it loo-ton airport for nothing you know.

Enjoy your holiday dude

16-06-11, 21:53
Fairly certain there's a gap (was there 4 months ago). They were clean too. A common worry, I hate 'dodgy' loo locks, v. panic inducing!
As previous poster said I think it's the law now, for various reasons to have some kind of gap.