View Full Version : newish symptom

becks xxx
15-06-11, 21:54
The month before i started my medication (about 2months ago) i developed a new symptom. Please please please can someone reassure me, i can't find nothing on google
It's on and off and doesn't last too long.. It's a weird feeling in my head. My head goes all tight (which i dont mind as i know this is an anxiety symptom) but i also get this feeling that's hard to describe. It's like i have all this energy in my head? A racy feeling maybe? Things are faster in my head but in reality im normal and speaking fine and normal. I've been doing well lately since starting meds, they'r really helping-for about a year ive always fought the thought about having bipolar now this feeling is bringing my fear of bipolar back, as im always scared the feeling is going to be the start of a manic episode. Please someone reassure me that it's anxiety? Anyone experienced this !? X

15-06-11, 22:14
hey there, i can totally relate to the racing thoughts thing. it's no bipolar though, i think it's just another symptom of this wonderful anxiety, like because we are adrenalised our minds are looking for something to fix on and are just awash with thoughts. i've had this as part of my anxiety for years and have never tipped into mania so you will be absolutely fine.

can i ask what meds you're taking? x

becks xxx
15-06-11, 22:18
Thank you for replying ruby and for the reassurance. I'm taking sertraline (anti depressant) and propranolol (beta blocker) but this feeling was around before i started meds x

15-06-11, 22:49
Hi, I had a period of similar feelings to this - plus a weird sort of pressure like someone was squeezing my head from the inside. I guess it's just another one of those horrible things we have to put up with. Hope things get better for you soon :)

16-06-11, 18:53
Hi becky i'm also on sertraline and had my dose increased last week, since then I've had moments where my head seems to be 'rushing' and my eyes feel as though they have energy in them if that makes any sense. it only last about 30 seconds then it goes.
so yeah i would say it's definatley the meds thats causing this so don't worry x

16-06-11, 19:27
im on citalopram and i get very strange feelings in my head, which are really hard to describe. its like a head rush thing that lasts a few seconds and also a feeling like a shiver in my head. sometimes my head just feels bunged up but i find it really hard to describe exactly what i mean

mandie x

17-06-11, 23:29
Yes I have this kind of feeling sometimes, not very often but like 3-4 times a month or so. I'm glad that I found someone that has this similar feeling. Take care