View Full Version : relaxation tips please

15-06-11, 23:04

I need tips on how to relax while having my bp taken at doctors? Please dont tell me to do it at home as i am too anxious even then lol I did manage to have it done at docs surgury by male nurse and it was fine but before i went i was in a a bit of a panic and had to ring my councilor. However I was on citalipram then. I have been on them since september 2010 and i came off them 4weeks ago as thought i could cope but my fears have come back or is it withdrawals ? Not sure. any help would be appriciated.

Cathycrumble xx


15-06-11, 23:10
I have white coat syndrome, so i send my own blood pressure up when having it taken, i was told to buy my own bp machine, i used it loads of times to get used to it before taking proper readings, did it for months and mine was fine.

I found the more i did it myself the more i relaxed.

Sorry i haven't given more help but this is what helped me.

di xx

01-08-11, 20:53
Hi Diane07

You have made my day! I didn't think anyone had replied as still trying to get used to this forum.

You have conquered your fear of having or taking your bp and I feel I will be able to do the same I have a monitor and my gp said i can send my reading in. But i didn't give myself the confidence to do it but reading your reply about taking it so you could get used to it I will try this I know it will be hard but I will do this. I hate knowing the reading lol call me a pessimist lol. Please keep in touch, and thanks for the reply.

Cathy xx

01-08-11, 21:29
I hate having my bp taken can be really high 160 plus. I do it at home and sometimes its high. I try and lie on the bed for a few mins a chill then retake it. The difference can be amazing. My gp now normally does a few readings and is happy if starts to come down. I just try and concerntrate on rubbish. Like what we can have for tea etc. I am also having a 24 hr bp monitor thst should give a better picture. But knowing me i will panic and obsess about it for the 24hrs! I never bothered about my bp until it was high when pregnant and was taken nearly every day. Now i have to stop myself taking it nearly every hour x

01-08-11, 21:54
Hi daisydoo

You are sooo like me. I had some problems last year. marriage break up (my choice) then a car crash then lost my job and was in hospital for 3 days with water infection, Think that was with all the stress. It was when I had my crash and went to hospital the nurse said go your gp and have your bp checked it's a bit high. What would you expect when 2 cars crash into the back of you? lol. It's bound to go up. and through all the stress i had my bp taken at my gp and it was borderline but i am my worst enemy as i just panic, so it's bound to go up. But can I relax? no way. It has been ruling my life and I have gone on anti depressants to help me. If they were to put a 24 hour bp monitor on me i would just panic. I really don't know why I panic as loads of people have blood pressure and thy just take their medication and have it checked every 6 to 12 months and that's it. I hope like me we can overcome this horrid fear good luck and keep me posted how you get on.

Cathy xx

01-08-11, 22:09
Ah thanks. Good to know its not just me. What did they expect your bp to be after a crash!!! Think mine would have exploded the machine. If its borderline at gps im sure its fine at home. I know my dad and millions of others take there pills and never think about it again. Where i got my over annalysing mind from i dont know. With my monitor i will probably spend the night looking at the readings. I can laugh at myself but it makes my health fears-and i have many-no less real. Only 18months ago i never thought about my health. Worried about everybody elses but i was always "i will be fine" how times change:roflmao:

01-08-11, 22:39
Yes me to. never worried bout mine I am sure our fear will pass I hope so. and it's good to know I am not the only one although i don't want anyone to suffer if you know what I mean coz this anxiety is a big fat bitch :mad: xx

Cathy xx

02-08-11, 00:13
Having my bp taken is impossible for me because I get in such a state and my gp says its pointless taking it. My pulse is so fast just looking at a bp machine. I have tried all manner of things. I used to have a nurse come to take it when I laid on the bed and relaxed or went to look at the sea but I dont have a nurse now. So I just worry about it all the time. I did get a home one but was in such a panic with it I jumped up and down on it to break it so I couldnt keep taking it.
Its such a problem and I need to overcome it somehow. I am not young anymore and need it done. My cholesterol etc is fine and I am ok with any other sort of test being done.
Angie x

02-08-11, 07:43
i hate mine being taken it comes from having it taken all the time in pregnancey

i tend to practice my breathing so breath in slowly for 5 and breath out slowly to try and stop me panicing x

02-08-11, 21:32
Having my bp taken is impossible for me because I get in such a state and my gp says its pointless taking it. My pulse is so fast just looking at a bp machine. I have tried all manner of things. I used to have a nurse come to take it when I laid on the bed and relaxed or went to look at the sea but I dont have a nurse now. So I just worry about it all the time. I did get a home one but was in such a panic with it I jumped up and down on it to break it so I couldnt keep taking it.
Its such a problem and I need to overcome it somehow. I am not young anymore and need it done. My cholesterol etc is fine and I am ok with any other sort of test being done.
Angie x

Angie I feel as if you are talking about me. I have started taking citalopram for this phobia. I am having bad side affects with them at the moment. I need to lose this fear as I am totally unhappy about it. Because if I do relax my bp is fine I think it is the thoughts of having it done.

Cathy xx

02-08-11, 21:34
i hate mine being taken it comes from having it taken all the time in pregnancey

i tend to practice my breathing so breath in slowly for 5 and breath out slowly to try and stop me panicing x

I will try the breathing and try not to over breath but thanks for the tip.

Cathy xx

03-08-11, 02:32
I'm a massive panicker about BP but i'm getting better by laying down for several minutes and breathing before taking BP, doctor will understand, just say do you mind if i lay down for couple of minutes before and then also take it couple of times and don't let gp show you the reading, my bp can shot up just by looking at the screen haha:) Don't worry high BP doesn't mean ANYTHING! unless you have it for many years and you don't! your BP shots way up when you are excersising and it's good for you! so don't worry if it shots up once a day it won't do anything! As long as you're excersising occasionally and eat fruit and veg you have nothing to worry about... Som people have really low BP and some have high, we're all different... not robots:)

03-08-11, 18:07
I am determined to get over the fear of having bp taken because its ridiculous. I feel sick even looking at a blood pressure monitor. My doctor said the only way he would get a true reading is if I was asleep. I just worry that I get all the symptoms and cant get it tested. I even asked if I could try some medication without having it taken. The reason I am scared to have it done is because if its really high I will have to take meds and they may make me feel ill. I feel bad enough from anxiety without medication to make me feel worse. I dont like anything tht makes me feel tired or dizzy. I can cope with stomach side effects and other things. I get a lot of inner shaking and I actually took a 10mg propanalol the other day and it was fine. It didnt stop me shaking really though. Do you need to take them for a while to make them work.
I have always had a fear of medication and its side effects. For me its like taking poison. I have had a couple of bad reactions to meds and I live on my own.

24-08-11, 21:21
Oh Angie and Cathy...I am so the exact same as you. I can't look at the blessed machine without feeling mine go up. My practice nurse knows about it and talks away til I relax and it comes right down, but last time a Dr took it and it was sky high. Can't take it at home as I tried and ended up taking it every 5 mins and getting more stressed each time. Just one highish reading and I make myself sick. Wonder if Hypnotherapy would help? I have tried all the relaxing, deep breathing, visualisation etc to no avail! Sorry, I know this thread is older but I just had to say I feel the same! Thinking of you both and know I have found people who know my pain!! XX

26-08-11, 00:42
Oh Angie and Cathy...I am so the exact same as you. I can't look at the blessed machine without feeling mine go up. My practice nurse knows about it and talks away til I relax and it comes right down, but last time a Dr took it and it was sky high. Can't take it at home as I tried and ended up taking it every 5 mins and getting more stressed each time. Just one highish reading and I make myself sick. Wonder if Hypnotherapy would help? I have tried all the relaxing, deep breathing, visualisation etc to no avail! Sorry, I know this thread is older but I just had to say I feel the same! Thinking of you both and know I have found people who know my pain!! XX

Thanks for your reply Valleybear

I am soo like that Just one highish reading and I make myself sick to. But the other day I went right I am going to get to grips with this bp thing and I took it myself and my reading was 129/86 which is not bad think I took it bout 3 times to get that reading. However that thing on the news yesterday scared me a little as dont fancy 24 hour bp monitor straped to me. So I posted that today and nicola messaged me saying thy would only do that if thy thought you needed it and i can still take it at home if I get the courage that is lol.

I am not saying I am fine as I got myself into this phobia and it's not goiing to be a walk in the park to get myself out of it. I know lots of people as young as 38 upwards who take bp meds and thy just plod on not bothered. So I try to say to myself if thy can do it so can I. And thanks again to every one who has posted and valleybear I hope you are feeling better today after your experience a your GPs the other day was thinking of you take care and good health to you all,:ohmy: lol

Cathy xx

26-08-11, 02:09
Well the information that you have shared with me is really important for me . I hope that i shall have lot of new ideas from your tips on relaxation .

26-08-11, 14:52
In my opinion following are the best way of taking relaxation and removing stress:

1. Listening music
2. Go to parks
3. Playing games
4. Meditaion

You are soo right. I am starting meditation classes in september can't wait

Cathy xx