View Full Version : low heart rate

15-06-11, 23:31
hi all well i was just wondering if any 1 has low pulse rates instead of high considering i have ha over last2 days my pulse rate has been 55 or 51 i had a baby 7 days ago i would have thought my pulse wouldnt be so low does any1 else get this i did see dr he recons hes not to worried but im not so sure i thought under 60 was bradycardic

16-06-11, 04:02
55 seems ok, I use a pulse reader to check my pulse as I can't ever count it correctly.
First thing in the morning my heart rate will be in the 50's.
honestly if it stays that low all day I would go back to the gp.
I have a high heart rate of 70 sitting down, 112 walking and 130-150 if im upset or running/working out.

do you have any other symptoms besides the heart rate being a bit on the low side?
I know people who are very fit can have lower heart rates .

17-06-11, 12:40
i was told to walk for 2 mins to see if it raizses which it does slightly they said if it raises then its doin its job i have been very tired but that could belack of sleep due to baby when dr checked my pulse it was 65 but at home most of day its under 60 im gettin bit worried bout it but he recons its ok im not so sure

17-06-11, 14:01
Hi, I got totally freaked out a couple of months ago when I found by heartrate always floats around 50-55. Started obsessively checking it the whole time. Nothing wrong with me at all If you are tired or have hormonal imbalance it can slow down a bit. Did with me and Im still here. Try not to worry x

19-06-11, 15:01
thanks guys i went dr its gone bk up now but so has my bp it seems to be hittin 150 over 93 a lot dont know why though im not anxious bit worryin though

Rachel W
20-06-11, 01:48
I had this same worry over the past few days as I always thought that I had a higher heart rate and did not know that low heart rate could also be caused by anxiety. However I read a post by a doctor recently and it said that as long as you aren't passing out due to low oxygen and that you can raise it by walking, or climbing the stairs then he isn't usually concerned. I notice when I lie down it can be as low as 54, but if sitting up and active on the computer then it can be 65 or so. I have been eating really healthy foods and have lost 14 pounds, so hopefully it is a sign of health. Maybe your body is just relaxing after having the baby as it suddenly is finding it easier to get oxygen (only you not another life as well), so maybe it is just finding those beats sufficient.