View Full Version : Will the GP believe me?

16-06-11, 00:03
Hello all,

6 years ago I moved across the country taking my business and family with me and contracted pleurisy through all of the stress. It went eventually but left a bit of scarring.

We moved into rented and then bought our own house. I remember the day all of this began as I was unpacking my daughters moving boxes into her room and felt like I was made out of lead, really heavy and 'walking uphill' tired. I put it down to heavy periods and started on iron tablets from the chemists.

I have had symptoms of hypotension (postural) since that day and it's making my life a living nightmare. Sweating, blurred vision, extreme tiredness and so on.

The thing is I have also suffer with anxiety and that is what makes me avoid the GP's surgery and to just get on and live with what I have. I just think that my doctor will look at me and think that it's 'all in my head'. How do I seriously go and see him next week and say "by the way, I think that I have ........., could you please let me see a specialist?"

There are so many illnesses out there that mimick each other. How many times can I go and ask for another to be looked into. Doctors are just not interested.

16-06-11, 04:08
I have the same problems, I guess think about how much this is affecting you and if you get the symptoms when your calm.
maybe even keep a diary.
I have so many odd symptoms and am always getting scary new ones, it's crazy lol
I only go to the doctor with certain problems, like when I tummy pain for 3 weeks , turned out to be IBS.

I could write a list a mile long and so many symptoms over lap with other medical issues,
I have the fear too of being labeled with health anxiety but my doctor bless him is very kind.