View Full Version : Interview Advice??

23-04-06, 16:23
Hi All
I have an interview on friday to get into uni and am getting very anxious, its a 25 minute drive away along busy roads and its a long way out of my comfort zone (as in more than 10 minutes from home), dad drove me up there today so I can see where im going but its made me worse if anything as the area is so unfamiliar, its was very busy and there were a lot of road works so we ended up queuing in traffic which made me start to panic. Thing is on friday im gonna have to drive there and get through the interview just dont know how im going to cope. If I cant get through the interview though il never be able to attend lectures or go into schools (i want to train to be a teacher) somewhere deep down I know i can do it as iv done it before, i did 2 years of training before the anxiety & panic attacks kicked in bout 2 years ago. I was just wondering if anyone has any thoughts or advice that might help me get through this?? Feels like iv got a huge mountain to climb and i just dont know how. Thanks in advance
Suzy xx :)

23-04-06, 20:31
Hi Suzy,
I've almost completed my first year at uni. and I too want to teach. I was a nervous at my interview, but I needn't be and neither should you. Take a couple of Kalms before you go in remain focussed and knock them dead.
Good luck and I'm sure you'll be fine.

What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

23-04-06, 20:36

Get some rescue remedy that will help.

Also focus on why you are doing this and what you want to achieve and that will help you get through.

You have done it before and you can do it again ok? We have every faith in you and you must have the same faith in yourself.

If you want something bad enough then you find the courage and strength to do it

Good luck


23-04-06, 20:54
I had an interview for college at the beginning of this year, I was scared too. All you need to do is shake their hand, wait until you are asked to be seated and just answer their questions really.

Don't worry about it, use it as a great way to get to know your tutor/teachers. And good luck to you, I wish all the luck for you.

Scooties Back

24-04-06, 08:52
Im sure you can do it,just remember that they will expect a little anxiety
as there are not many people out there who dont get nervous at interviews. I could nearly always throw up before one and thats when i didnt suffer from anxiety. The only tip i can give you is to try and detach yourself from your body and pretend that you are watching someone else go through it all, oh and like nic says take some rescue remedy, good luck and let us know how you get on.

I just want my life back

24-04-06, 10:49
Good Luck for Friday
I am sure you will be fine.
I carry a little pot of rescue remedy with me
everywhere I go for these sort of situations.
It is proabaly pychologicalbut works every time.

Fingers crossed for you love and let us know how you get on

Hay x

26-04-06, 19:11
Thankyou all so much for your suggestions and kind words of advice, you have all boosted my confidence and made me have a little bit more faith in myself. Still quite nervous but i am determined to do this and look forward to coming back on here to tell you all i did it!
Thanks again
Suzy xx :)