View Full Version : Advice please on feeling lightheaded

16-06-11, 11:42
Hi guys,

I've been on and off this forum for a few months and I've really reached a brick wall with my health..past few months have been a complete nightmare to say the least. Since the start of the year, I'm just constantly lightheaded, some days are better than most. I've had an MRI scan, blood tests..all clear. It all started after a VERY stressful time with my life and work. I'm fed up of going back to the doctors, they just put it down to anxiety. I've tried different supplements, exercises, sleeping patterns..and I'm just fed up.

Could it be an ear disorder? I've had them syringed a couple of times as I do have a wax build up, but had this problem for years and it never caused dizziness. Doc's said my ears looked clear when they were syringed so I'm guessing no fluid was present. It's not a spinning sensation when I'm not moving, I do get a head rush when I stand up but my head is constantly dreamy. I never feel sick or feel like I'm going to faint.

Any ideas on where to go? It was around the same time I developed really bad eye floaters, and I'm constantly worried about them. Eye doc said my eyes are healthy but I beg to differ. I've got private health care with work, but I'm using that to pursue a specialist who can look at my eyes again as the NHS aren't interested.

Is it all just anxiety, has it caused all these symptoms? I've appreciate anyone else who has been in the same boat and can give me advice. The doctors just say it's anxiety and start rolling their eyes at my suggestions. I thought maybe I had Lyme's disease or vertigo, Meniere's Disease..lol..internet for you.

Would really appreciate some help, I think they are going to chuck me in the funny farm at this rate if I keep going back to the doctors. Just want to feel like my old self again.

Carl...btw I'm 29 years old.

16-06-11, 12:28
Hi Carl

I was getting eye floaters and headaches frequently a few weeks back which freaked me out with my health anxiety! Anyway I went to my opticians and they were great. I had a regular eye test and my prescription had changed slightly (explained the headaches) but they also did another test where I had to wear an eye patch and sit infront of this machine with a screen that lit up random lights and I had to press a button when I saw a light and my results were fine. Floaters are a sign of anxiety but if you are still worried why don't you just go to a high street opticians and pay for a test? I went to the well know place with the tag line "you should have gone to..." (not sure whether you can mention companies...!)
I have also had inner ear issues and balance / dizziness issues. It could be a sinus problem you are suffering from or labyrinthitis. I was having almost continual dizziness and I did a lot of research and found out about the 'Epley Manoeuvre' which is a series of movements a doctor will manipulate your head in order to get the crystals in your inner ear to go back to position. Dizziness occurs when these are out of place like a snow globe being shaken up. Anyway, I mentioned it to my GP and by sheer coincidence one of the other GPs had trained in the procedure so she booked me in. It was very simple, painless and it worked. I had this done months ago (I do have a bit of dizziness now but think it's due to anxiety as am having a neurology appointment next week and worried about it!) and would throughly recommend it. You may have to get it done at your local hospital if a local GP doesn't do it. I think some chiropractors do it too so worth checking out? There are some video clips online showing how it's done but advisable to have it done professionally as you have to start it on the ear that is worse affected - think only a doc could work that out from examining you.

Hope this helps.


16-06-11, 12:31
I also suffer from dizziness occasionally, sometimes i can be sat down and all of a sudden feel like im falling backwards!! its just anxiety i think, i also have dizziness with my ears so i regularly use OTEX - it works like a dream!

16-06-11, 12:39
Hi Carl

I was getting eye floaters and headaches frequently a few weeks back which freaked me out with my health anxiety! Anyway I went to my opticians and they were great. I had a regular eye test and my prescription had changed slightly (explained the headaches) but they also did another test where I had to wear an eye patch and sit infront of this machine with a screen that lit up random lights and I had to press a button when I saw a light and my results were fine. Floaters are a sign of anxiety but if you are still worried why don't you just go to a high street opticians and pay for a test? I went to the well know place with the tag line "you should have gone to..." (not sure whether you can mention companies...!)
I have also had inner ear issues and balance / dizziness issues. It could be a sinus problem you are suffering from or labyrinthitis. I was having almost continual dizziness and I did a lot of research and found out about the 'Epley Manoeuvre' which is a series of movements a doctor will manipulate your head in order to get the crystals in your inner ear to go back to position. Dizziness occurs when these are out of place like a snow globe being shaken up. Anyway, I mentioned it to my GP and by sheer coincidence one of the other GPs had trained in the procedure so she booked me in. It was very simple, painless and it worked. I had this done months ago (I do have a bit of dizziness now but think it's due to anxiety as am having a neurology appointment next week and worried about it!) and would throughly recommend it. You may have to get it done at your local hospital if a local GP doesn't do it. I think some chiropractors do it too so worth checking out? There are some video clips online showing how it's done but advisable to have it done professionally as you have to start it on the ear that is worse affected - think only a doc could work that out from examining you.

Hope this helps.


Thank you. Had numerous eye tests! About 3 or 4 this year I think, all say I'm fine..and I've had a minor partial viterous detachment, which isn't serious and nothing can be done etc. It should improve once the floater detaches..as regards my dizziness, sounds like good advice. I will mention it to my GP I think..I would of thought ear disorders would show on an MRI scan but there you go! I'm willing to try anything..good luck with your appointment by the way, I went to a neurologist too..lol we keep them busy.

16-06-11, 12:45
Hi Carlos

Has your GP referred you to ENT for a consultation? My anxiety is due to having Tinnitus so I have a popping and wind rushing noise in my ears and when I go to bed each night I have the inevitable whooshing sounds - like i've been in a club for 4 hours - in my ears.

There are all sorts of therapies to help cope with T and similar disorders so it may be an idea to get a referral so they can at least rule it out or offer you some help.

Hope you are having a better day today


16-06-11, 12:46
Only thing I don't get is, if my ear crystals are off then why am I not so bad some days? There is no consistency to my health!

16-06-11, 12:48
Hi Carlos

Has your GP referred you to ENT for a consultation? My anxiety is due to having Tinnitus so I have a popping and wind rushing noise in my ears and when I go to bed each night I have the inevitable whooshing sounds - like i've been in a club for 4 hours - in my ears.

There are all sorts of therapies to help cope with T and similar disorders so it may be an idea to get a referral so they can at least rule it out or offer you some help.

Hope you are having a better day today


Thanks David, I'm sorry to hear about your tinnitus. I get is occasionaly but not to the level you describe..although I did get it once after a loud club I went to. Yes, I'm hoping I do get referred to an ENT specialist..problem is I'm at the docs all the time and afraid they will get fed up with me.

16-06-11, 13:01
Hi there,

I have also been getting a lightheaded/spaced out and disorientated feeling a lot in my head recently. I am sure this is cos i am so tense and my breathing is constantly shallow, even tho I'm not aware I'm doing it. It's only when I suddenly focus on it i realise how little oxygen I am getting. When I then get up to do something and my blood has to start pumping around my body again it leaves me feeling all off balance and disorientated. Basically because I'm not getting enough oxygen to my head.

It sounds like you prob getting v similar sensations and I bet it's because you are tense and subconsiously breathing badly?

The reduced blood flow really can leave you feeling like this , a lot like when you haven't eaten or drunk enough.

I have had an array of blood tests lately, all clear and also went to the opticians as I was so concerned. I had checks which look at the back of the eye and take pictures.
The optician explained what blood vessels etc we were looking at in my eye and explained what images would show markers for high blood pressure, clots, burst vessels, tumours etc. It was so reassuring to hear and see.

Maybe worth paying £20 just for added reassurance...

18-06-11, 15:40
Got an appointment with the doc next sat..going to pursue an ENT specialist..running out of options..sick of feeling spaced out and disconnected 24/7