View Full Version : Blissful Ignorance?

16-06-11, 11:59
So here I am again anxiously waiting for blood test results, you know the usual, FBC, anaemia, glucose etc. So why am I so bloody terrified again? I guess my question is would we rather live in blissful ignorance and not have to go through that dreaded wait for test results or would we rather have tests that could catch any possible diseases as early as possible so treatment would be more successful?
As far as blood tests go I think most docs tend to send patients suffering from health anxiety for them to put our minds at rest, but is it worth the high anxiety waiting for the results when most probably everything will be fine, especially if we haven’t had any other symptoms to cause us concern?

16-06-11, 14:05
Hello MVP,

Health anxiety is a constant circle of worry, which is fed with reassurances, which very often we are unable to accept, and so the whole vicious cycle continues to repeat itself. The only way to break the pattern of anxiety is to break the desire for reassurance, which I know is extremely difficult because I believe the reassurance, followed by a sense of relief - even though often only short lived - is extremely addictive. I have suffered from health anxiety for many years, and have found breaking the cylce of self examination and assurance seeking is the only thing which has enabled me to keep this awful illness in check. It is a hard discipline, but i truly believe unless you are displaying obvious symptoms then it is wise to leave well alone. I am not so sure it is living in blissful ignorance, i think we have to learn to train our over active minds not to jump ahead imagining the worse possible scenario, and in time allowing room for more rational thoughts.

16-06-11, 14:36

I also put myself through excess torment waiting for any results, especially health related ones - however a set of bloods are worth the torment I think...the results come back quickly and they can result in treatable things being picked up that ultimately can help the anxiety in the first place.

I had bloods done a few weeks ago and found I was quite anaemic - 8.9. Of course I'm worried what the cause could be, but having been on iron supplements since then I think I can touch wood and say I'm starting to feel a little better in all ways!

16-06-11, 16:41
Hi Guys, thanx for the replies, I am not too worried about being anaemic, as it seems I am always off and on anaemic anyway. For instance I had blood test done last summer which said I was anaemic, then I gave blood on the blood bus at work in November and I was fine, but when I went to give blood in March this year they wouldn't take any cause they said I was anaemic. I think I probably always been like this, I've always been pale and my daughter is, so I've never looked for a cause for me being anaemic, just one of those things that come and go I spose. I got my smear test in 2 weeks as well, so I got those test results to wait for as well, oh the joys of being health anxious!x

16-06-11, 17:54
I find any medical test uses up so much of my emotional energy through worrying - it's ridiculous. Some people seem to breeze through these things, or they are very good at hiding it!

It's well worth getting treated for anaemia, I suspect I may be less tired and the palpitations have settled...all of which are a catalyst for anxiety. Don't like to speak too soon...but so far so good!

Best of luck. x