View Full Version : Grr my eyes, advice needed! sorry to ask again :)

16-06-11, 13:46
I made a post the other day about the floaters, flashes and things id been seeing in my eyes, i just wanted to hear from any one who had seen these, as well recently its like a can see a light been dimmed down behind me?? is this just my anxiety as well as the flashes of light and things, optician says im fine!!

paula lynne
16-06-11, 14:17
Hi, Ive had floaters, white spots and flashes for over 10 years now. I also have a permenant black spot in my left eye which moves around when I move my eyes in different directions, really annoying! The black spot is detatched cells from the back of the retina, from years of being sick due to severe panic attacks. Optician says Im ok, like you. It is annoying, but its something you get used to I guess.
Paula x

16-06-11, 14:30
Thank you!! feels so much better knowing its nothing serious :) x

16-06-11, 19:44

I don't know if this will help you but I have just got back from the doctors in which I told her about my flashing lights she was not concerned at all and said this is a symptom of panic attacks and it could also be migraines as I sometimes get headaches with them. So I am guessing yours are the same :) x

16-06-11, 20:51
I get weird black spot sometimes creeping into my vision and eye floaters and my left eye seems to be blurry. I also get really bad visual snow. Hopefully all anxiety!

Apparently when the human body is preparing for action (Flight or fight/anxiety/etc) the eyes focus on the 'danger' and you can get tunnel vision, or changes to your site and things. Normal and healthy in that way.

16-06-11, 22:01
Hi, I get the floaters and flashes ad snow effect quite a lot and have done for many years. It does seem to be quite common with people suffering anxiety and panic attacks. Both optician and doc say it's normal and even the opthalmist at hospital reassured me. I was panicking as I had opthalmic shingles and was left half blind in one eye due to optic nerve scarring, so I thought it was aresult of that.
T x

17-06-11, 07:28
Thanks Guys :)
Iv hardly noticed it these past few days, with all the reassurance.
Feels so much better! i refuse to go back in a circle and find something else wrong with me when this is over, The only way is up!! :)

17-06-11, 08:29
Best way to be, keep busy and active and don't dwell on stuff like me

17-06-11, 20:12
I have had constant visual snow since early March I think, only really notice it when I wake up which is strange, doesn't really bother me anymore.

17-06-11, 21:04
when you guys talk about the flashes, what do you mean exactly? i get floaters from time to time and those don't bother me. (though i just had an explosion of them a few minutes ago which really scared me because i never get them like that) anyway, i get these little sparks of light in the corners of my eye or on the ceiling or whatever. sometimes they're white, sometimes blue. last time i had this was when i was pregnant and had high blood pressure (preeclampsia) and they induced me that day. the doctor says my blood pressure is fine though she wants me to check it off and on througout the next two weeks. the flashes scare me because of the pregnancy stuff. my eyes also always feel really tired. i've been feeling really good lately and feeling more normal than i have in the last couple of years. so, why am i still getting this crap? also, when i look at the flashes, they go away.
any responses would be appreciated. didn't mean to hijack this thread. sorry.

18-06-11, 15:39
I get floaters as I've had a partial viterous detachment..normally happens when you are older but happened to me and I'm only 29..typical. It will die down eventually but they do bother me.

20-06-11, 08:54
Hi :)
When i say flashes i mean a flash of white in front of my eyes, but i get all sorts!! its just the anxiety, mine are alot worse when im stressed x