View Full Version : Anxiety/adrenaline/something else?

16-06-11, 15:00
Hello Lovely People :)

Just having a freak out about something and wondered whether it happens to anyone else...

It's hard to describe, but you know if you were to hold your breath for a while and then exhale, you get a pounding heart for a few seconds (I guess until your blood is re-oxygenated?) and then it settles down. Well I seem to be getting this sensation out of the blue. I'm not holding my breath (as far as I'm aware) but I suddenly get the little adrenaline rush and pounding heart as though it's trying to 'catch up' or something. Sorry, like I said, it's difficult to explain :wacko:

I just had a 24hr urine test because I'm pumping out adrenaline at nights and not sleeping, but I just wondered if anyone else gets this? Do you think it's a new and interesting syptom of HA? I thought I'd had them all over the years :roflmao:

Thanks for 'listening.' xxx

16-06-11, 16:34
this sounds like my palpatations,it almost like i take an deeper breath every now and then ,then my heard beats a bit faster,ive had them for ages to

16-06-11, 17:21
I wonder if you are pausing too long between breaths - I get this and don't realise that I am doing it and then the body makes me take a big breath and I get the pounding as well. I can also get it sometimes everytime I stand up from sitting position, will last a week then stop??

Is the 24 hr urine test to rule out an adrenal tumour, I had one of these a year ago because I get adrenaline symptoms at night as well, and mine came back perfectly fine.

16-06-11, 22:43
Thanks ladies. Yes, it is. The doc had no idea how to test for it. I had to tell him it was the 24hr urine test, lol. I get the light-headed/heart pounding sensation on standing too. Especially when getting out of the car, but I don't have low blood pressure. Weird :wacko: x