View Full Version : looking for some encouragement..

16-06-11, 15:45
hi there fellow sertraline takers,

i've been taking sertraline for 9 days now, i am feeling so low at the moment and just really need to know there is some light at the end of this tunnel. i'm at the point where i'm starting to wonder if i will ever feel better, i struggle with anxiety mainly but when i feel anxious for a while i just get so down. i just want to start feeling better, it would be good to hear from others who are taking sertraline and doing better now.

thanks a lot for reading this x

Veronica H
16-06-11, 17:18
:bighug1:hang in there as I am sure someone must be on this Med.
I took Citalopram and that took about 2 weeks to kick in and start lifting my mood....we are all different of course. Best wishes.


16-06-11, 19:56
hey veronica, thanks that's really kind of you to reply. yeah am thinking it'll take at least a couple of weeks, just feeling bit crap at the moment and wanting it to kick in NOW! x

18-06-11, 15:57
How are you feeling today Amy? I hope the sertraline has kicked in somewhat. I believe it can be quite tough going with this med for the first two weeks or so - but that the benefits can be worth.

Let us know how you're getting on :hugs:

Take care,

BB xx

18-06-11, 22:12
hey there, thanks a lot for your message belle. i'm still feeling pretty awful, i am really tense and anxious all the time and it's really getting me down. it's just day 11 though and i'm due to increase to 100mg in 3 days. i'm a bit scared about increasing though as if it's the meds causing the anxiety then i'm worried this will get worse on a higher dose. i know you need to feel worse to feel better but there's only so much more worse i can take!

how are you getting on? you still not taking the mirtazapine? x:hugs:

19-06-11, 00:22
I'm sorry to hear that you are having such a rough old time of it. It's so difficult to hang on to some hope that there will be a turning point at some stage.

I'm sure your GP won't increase the dose if you are still feeling so awful... she will want to see you stabilized on the smaller dose first I should imagine. By the time you see her you will have been on this med a couple of weeks and you will have a good inkling as to whether you can/should stick with it or not.

As I have very little experience of this med I do hope someone else will be along who has had similar side effects and who can offer you encouragement and support.

No, didn't go back on the mirt :blush:

Do take care of yourself.

BB xx

20-06-11, 09:29
Hi Ruby Tuesday, hang on in there, I took Sertraline for 3 years for depression, and it does take a good 3 weeks to kick in and start feeeling the benifits. I did not have any noticable side effects from this medication, and it helped me through a very tough time, I did after a few months have to up the dose then it stabilised, it will take a wee while for the doctor/your body to level out and find the right dose to suit you. :hugs:

20-06-11, 14:10
ah i just typed a response to this then i lost it! swallowtail thanks a lot for your response. i know i need to hang in there with this but am just feeling so wired at the moment and anxious. i could really be doing with a wee boost just to make me feel that things will change as it feels like such a struggle right now. did you have initial anxiety with it or were you ok? i know this can differ for everyone and i'm not sure if it's the meds or just me.

belle i'm really sorry to hear the mirt didnt work out for you. have you been back to your gp to see about something else? it really is trial and error isnt it, but it's hard when the error involves feeling really bad. take care and hang in there x

21-06-11, 09:45
Hi - When I started on the Sertraline I was holed up in my house, did not want to see anyone, hated being in a crowd, I suppose I was suffering from Anxiety when I think about it although the diagnoses was Stress related depression. I did seek other help along with my medication, hypnotherapy and counselling and I am sure that tese also helped as the sessions empowered, I suppose to take hold of the problems, deal with them then set them aside. What would give you a boost, do you have someone close to you that you can spend time with? Hope you are feeling beeter today :bighug1:

21-06-11, 16:42
Hiya rubytuesday - no I haven't been back to docs re meds. I don't really think that there's anything else I can take to be honest as the other ADs made me feel intolerably wired with appalling insomnia.

At the moment I'm going through a good phase - but my present circumstances re neighbours from hell is really trying and having a detrimental affect on my life (which is why we're trying to move after 7 years of having to put up with it all). But although I'm feeling ok at present it's always only a matter of time before I'm tipped over into stress related anxiety/depression by it all.

I must say that strangely the very brief period I was on the mirt gave me some much needed down to my core rest - and thus I have lived to fight another day.

Wishing you peace and rest today:)

BB xx

28-06-11, 18:21
Ruby, i just saw your post, its like i wrote it, 100% how i feel, been on same tablets for 5 days im feeling really low and wondering when the hell im gonna perk up and get better? How are yuo feeling now? xx

20-07-11, 12:57
OMG I am on day 11 too and feel exactly the same - I almost want to come off them but I am trying to hold the thought that it gets better. Please RubyTuesday tell us how you are now?


20-07-11, 14:26
Mommybell, do you feel lower than you did before starting the Sertraline?

27-07-11, 13:39
Yep I was so low and having severe panic attacks over little things - went to the doctor and said this is worse I cant live like this, he said it takes 3 to 4 weeks. The thought of that was horrible I felt so much worse that I did before I took the tablets. On Saturday day 12 I couldnt leave the house My husband was convinced I had gone completely mad he had never seen me like this. but I have to report that today Day 15 I feel great :blush: dont want to tempt fate but i think they may be helping. my advice is ride the storm I think I have reached the other side but it was a rough ride to get here............