View Full Version : Pulmonary Embolism now im worried

16-06-11, 17:10
Hi i have just come bak from the doctors again in a week thats twice now lol and explained about the pain in my upper right bak and chest pain at the same time, doctor didnt seem bothered and told me its anxiety, i have had an ecg and blood test which came bak normal and fine, i now have this fixation that its a pulmonary embolism coz i look it up and hey sum of the symptoms! Im overweight but trying to be healthy now, stopped smoking over a week ago, it doesnt hurt wen i breathe the pain is just there every so often, im having another ecg and bloods done tomorrow and a review with the doctor, does this sound like pe? the doctor didnt sound worried on getting it checked out, im worried coz how do they kno? i have had these symptoms since the nite of my panic attack and its really getting to me. None of my family are prone to clots, i have good blood i think and the only person who died in my family of a pulmonary embolism was my grandad but he had secondary liver cancer and was on chemo b4 he died, does anyone else have this or is it just me, i mean wot and how cud u tell u had a pulmonary embolism? Thanks:scared10:

16-06-11, 17:17
A friend of mine had a p e and believe me he was really ill - he was in so much pain he could barely move and was gasping for breath, they thought he was having a heart attack when he was first rushed into hospital.

A pe that is bad enough to be a risk to your life will give bad symptoms.

Did you explain your fears to your Dr?? I find this helps them and me as I can then ask why they don't think I have what I am worrying about.
Also you say the pain is not there all the time , if it was pe then it would not come and go. Has the pain started since you stopped smoking as if so this could be from your lungs starting to get rid of all the gunge and gunk that will be sitting there from smoking- most people who stop smoking get all sorts of coughs and chest trouble for first 6 months while there body does its job and cleans itself up!

Well done for stopping smoking. I also get bad pains in my ribs and shoulder blades from muscle tension due to a spine problem I have mixed with anxiety and I find that this type of pain is always knife like stabbing and sharp.

16-06-11, 17:26
Hiya thanks for replying, i always explain my fears to the doctor, i think they must be sick of hearing me saying omg i think its this and this or that! I had this pain at the beginning of this week, it always came with the chest pain that i have that comes and goes all the time, i dont have any breathing problems just wen i panic about sumthing i feel tight chested and go all sweaty and weird, yeah thank u, i stopped wen i had my panic attack fearing for my health i thought i think its about time i gave the smoking up! it doesnt stab as much it just aches in my upper back every so often, it goes away with painkillers, but wen i wake up it comes again off n on, i didnt kno wot the symptoms were after stopping smoking x

16-06-11, 17:42
It's not a PE, trust me you'd know about it. My mum died last October of one :( and you wouldn't be able to move if you had one right now.

16-06-11, 18:11
thank u for ur reply, im very sorry to hear that, my grandad was having chemo for cancer and he just collapsed n died, they say that a PE killed him :( x

16-06-11, 20:45
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandad.

It happens so suddenly :( One day my mum seemed absolutely fine and the next she just collapsed and died. It really triggered my HA and ruined my life :( because I miss her so so much. It's hard to put the pieces back together.

But i'm sure your fine, I had chest pains on and off for a year. And had all the tests and went through the same fears as you after mum passing away. And as soon as I accepted it was muscle pain and stopped focusing on them, after about a week they all went away. Apart from occasional ones now and then. But we have SO many muscles in our chest, that it will be most likely from tensing so much; due to your anxiety.

If you ever want to chat about this just PM me, because I went through such a similar anxiety, hope you feel better :hugs:

16-06-11, 21:54
i had pe in december belive me youd know the pain omg you cant move it isnt that xx

16-06-11, 21:57
can i also add i didnt get chest pains i had pains in my side ,worst pains ever i couldnt move ,i had 2 blood clots in my lung but u r oki understand why u r scared though xx

16-06-11, 22:38
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandad.

It happens so suddenly :( One day my mum seemed absolutely fine and the next she just collapsed and died. It really triggered my HA and ruined my life :( because I miss her so so much. It's hard to put the pieces back together.

But i'm sure your fine, I had chest pains on and off for a year. And had all the tests and went through the same fears as you after mum passing away. And as soon as I accepted it was muscle pain and stopped focusing on them, after about a week they all went away. Apart from occasional ones now and then. But we have SO many muscles in our chest, that it will be most likely from tensing so much; due to your anxiety.

If you ever want to chat about this just PM me, because I went through such a similar anxiety, hope you feel better :hugs:

Aww hun, my grandad died 5 yrs ago and the grief is still raw, its hard, thank u so much, i appreciate ur help xxx

16-06-11, 22:38
grieving i mean xx