View Full Version : Left breast warmer than right - really worried, anyone else have this?!

16-06-11, 17:39
Does anyone else have this? I'm really worried and if you could check I'd really appriciate it. Sorry to ask, I know it sounds random.
I'm worried I have IBC :(

16-06-11, 19:05
A lot of views and not any replies :[ I'm even more worried now... :(

16-06-11, 19:08
I often get cold sensations in mine - not both at the same time, this makes me panic so i become focused on it, then I notice loads of different feelings, shooting pains, tingles etc.

Anyway I've been really good for the past months not thinking about it and I have hardley had any of these feelings so it must be anxiety related

16-06-11, 20:47
Anyone else have one warmer? :(

16-06-11, 20:57
I'm confused ElectricAlice....isn't this is a repeat of a previous thread?:huh:

16-06-11, 21:01
Yeah i'm worrying again :( I posted in the HA forum as well. I've pretty much finished my period and its still warmer, and I phoned NHS to speak to a nurse for a little reassurance and she just made things worse and advised me to go back to the DR's. I think she was worried she'd give me false reassurance seeing as she couldn't examine me.

I'm having it really bad with this worry :( Can't seem to escape it.

Vanilla Sky
16-06-11, 21:56
Whats the big deal if it is warmer ? I dont understand .....

Paige x

16-06-11, 22:04
I googled and I'm worried I have inflammatory breast cancer, as this is a symptom of it.

17-06-11, 07:23
Hey Electric Alice

A nurse at the NHS is going to tell you to go to the docs, because if she tells you there is nothing wrong and there is then she gets in trouble, its just in case.
You have been to your docs and they said that you are fine, if there was any tiny bit of doubt in there mind they would send you to a specialist, they dont loose anything for double checking, but if they think there may be something and tell you to just go home, they will loose there job!
one of my breasts never feels the same as the other, even when im really cold, one of them stays warm. You dont have cancer, its just hormones, plus you have convinced your mind that it IS there, so your mind makes it real, im sure if you just try to concentrate on other things it will go...i no easier said than done.
If you are still really that worried go abck to your docs, but im sure your fine :) xx