View Full Version : anxiety atack

16-06-11, 17:49
in the middle of a anxiety attack can stay still my whole body has tensed up a any give me advice on how to calm down ??????

16-06-11, 17:51
change room. dont stay in the same place. find a distraction. breathe slowly - this tells your stress response to slow. go to the shop or something - anything to distract you for a bit. give the thoughts no attention - it will pass soon enough. remember that.

17-06-11, 17:57
are you ok now?

17-06-11, 20:55
try this tense all the muscles in your body even your face, take a deep breath in keep tensed then slowly breath out of your mouth and relax your muscles at the same time, hope this helps

18-06-11, 10:14
The key thing is your breathing, to calm down type thing. Like some replies have said your best to take a long slow deep breathe in and then out, and just keep repeating that until your breathing has kind of relaxed.. easier said than done i know.
Try taking your mind of it by playing a game on here, when i was in such a state and alone in the house i went on a game on here that took a while to do type thing and it took my mind right off it.