View Full Version : Phoned NHS 24 and feel worse :( I would appreciate so much some help

16-06-11, 20:42
Blah :(. I'm having a really bad day. So annoyed at myself for letting my HA spiral back up like this after I was doing so well. I just feel like I can't move on from this one thing. It's completely torturing me.

I'm 6 days into my period and my left breast is STILL warmer than my right one.

I phoned NHS 24 to speak to a nurse to get some reassurance and ask her if this was common/normal, and she was far too concerned with covering herself than offering any reassurance. I understand that she can't really say it's normal because she's not examining me, but she said I should definetely go back to my DR's; and now I think that she thinks there's something wrong.

I just can't get this out of my head :( And I totally appriciate your guys replies to my other posts to help me. I guess I just need a bit more reassurance that other people than me have the same thing going on?

Does anyone else have what I just described? I don't even know if it's MUCH warmer, because I know our minds tend to catastrophise things. So I just can't trust myself anymore.

Please, if anyone could just check and see if they have the same thing going on, it'd really really help me.

I'm sorry to keep posting about this, I just don't know what else to do.

16-06-11, 21:07

Don't take what that nurse said as gospel on NHS direct. The translation of that is 'I don't know about this' so she is refering you back to your doctor to cover herself.

Hun, I have checked - and as the other day - mine is warmer on the left. I am still on my period too.

I think that from what you say and how concerned you seem that this is anxiety that has exploded into a giant worry, and I am sure that all is ok for you.

Have you been doing stuff? Is your day busy? Are you in the company of others or alone? All these things make a difference to how much time you spend focusing on the area you are worried about.

You don't need to apologise. Clearly you are anxious about it. My breasts are always hot and painful every time before my period as I think they are very hormonal, hence the micro cysts I have in them.

Please try to divert your attention from this if you can whilst I appreciate it's hard.xxxx:hugs::bighug1:

16-06-11, 21:12
Thanks guys,

and thanks Deb for replying again. Is yours a lot warmer? Or just a little bit?

Well after yesturday I was actually doing ok, I went for a walk and went to the cinema and other things, went to bed and most of today I was fine. But then all the worries just starting creeping back into my head and I started getting really scared.

I'm not really sure whether to go back to the DR's, because she might tell me to come back when my period is 100% over - not sure if day 7 counts as 100% finished. But if I don't go tomorrow I wont be able to go for a while because I'm at my boyfriends for a week.

I'm not really sure whether I should just wait, and see what happens.

Thanks again guys, I reeeeally appreciate you taking time to help me out with this, it means a lot.

16-06-11, 21:14
I keep feeling them with my wrist and the difference is SO obvious when I do that...

16-06-11, 21:22
Not sure if this helps but my right side is hotter than my left side

16-06-11, 21:23
Thanks, that does help. I'm just trying to decifer if one is normally hotter than the other. (I feel like such a dafty asking everyone this :( )

16-06-11, 21:29
Thank you :] It's really nice to get such support. I just can't seem to get this out of my head. And I feel like I can't move on with my health anxiety and CBT until I stop worrying about this. All my other symptoms I've managed to realise is just anxiety.

But this one is not anxiety based, so it's a lot more terrifying. :( I wish it would just not feel hotter!

16-06-11, 21:53
As long as your breast isn't bright red and really hot i wouldn't worry at all. You're probably focussing on it so much that you're going around in circles x x

16-06-11, 22:01
Its not red, but its really hot :( Right now anyway.

17-06-11, 10:11
It may be hot because of you checking it a lot. How you doing today? x

17-06-11, 13:53
Im on and one of mine is hotter too. x