View Full Version : Help Please blood on toilet paper!!!!!!!!!!

16-06-11, 21:41
i went to the toilet today and after doing so when wiping there was quite a bit of blood which was removed after a couple of wipes. It was red if that makes any difference. I am so so scared.

16-06-11, 21:43
Was it bright or dark red?

16-06-11, 21:44
bright i think

16-06-11, 21:45
I get that sometimes, apparently it's nothing to worry about and can just be a little cut or something

16-06-11, 21:46
I get that sometimes, apparently it's nothing to worry about and can just be a little cut or something
i know the same here but there was much more blood

16-06-11, 22:03
I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, but just pop to your DR's tomorrow for peace of mind :] If it was internal bleeding it would be dark, or so i've been told.

(I take it you haven't started your period at a random time? I know thats a really stupid question, but just incase)

17-06-11, 03:17
TMI Warning:

It's probably just either a pile or small fissure. I started getting quite a bit of blood on toilet paper and went to the docs, only to be told it was an anal fissure. A few days later I had a bowel movement and lo and behold, the whole bowl was red with blood. I went scared back to the doctor, who was reassuringly unimpressed with the amount of blood I described.

Go to the doctors who will preform an examination (on your side, knees to the chest and thinking warm thoughts) and hopefully put your mind at rest.

17-06-11, 14:32
I've had this one. The reapeated action of wiping (TMI) can make the anus tender enough to bleed. The first time it happend (15 years ago) I was petrified.