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View Full Version : Can bad posture come back to haunt you in your later years?

16-06-11, 22:36
All my life I slouched in my chairs and standing. i never held my shoulders up.
Now I have a little bump at rhe base of my neck like a little hump and my neck just kills me all the time.

I used to be 6 ft tall but thanks to my refusing to stand up straight or sit up straight my spine has compressed and I just measured my height and am now only 5 ft 10 1/2 . Talk about freaky...Im really worried that now ill pay for my transgressions of refusing to do what I was told.

My spine lately has really bothered me and my neck and head and legs and arms and im wondering if this is all caused my the curve in my spine?
Has anybody else got problems from a lifetime of bad posture?

17-06-11, 01:27
Also lately when I stand up straight my ears stop up...what is with that?

19-06-11, 15:08
hate to tell u but yes bad posture of the years can cause problems now ive had prolapsed disc sciatica u name it all because of bad lifting over the years i saw a back specialist who told me i had to adapt to correct posture or it would just get worse so before u develope sciatica try to bend and sit properly or u will get all the aches and pains

20-06-11, 00:49
Too late..:(((( its in my neck and back and causing all kinds of problems :((((