View Full Version : hi everyone new here

16-06-11, 23:19
Hi I am a mom of 7 4 of them are grown and have their own families now I still have 3 under 18 at home I am married and live in the U.S ,I have been batteling with anxiety pretty much all my life, I also have health anxiety,and have even had panic attacks I also have depression I recently started having major issues with anxiety about 2 months ago, I had severe anxiety for about 3 weeks straight and couldnt take it anymore I went to the ER and was given Ativan---whew-- thank goodness-- 3 days later I made a trip to my GP and she gave me celexa 20mg---a no go for me I took the first one and BAM I was right back at the ER this time I admitted myself to the psyche ward for a week--there they continued to give me Ativan and I then started Cymbalta 20mg went to 30mg 2 days before I left the hospital got home 30mgs no go--so I was switched to Zoloft which I have taken before in the past and it helped but I took myself off it last feb just figured big mistake, been doin 12 days on zoloft now Ativan isnt keepin all the anxiety at bay though and am havin headaches which I dont remember from the first time I took it , am hoping its side effects and cant go to new psyche till june 27th ,I just want to feel me again be me again have a normal day again I worry now about havin to be taken off the Ativan when that time comes have read many nasty horrific stories on the internet about I take 3 mgs a day right now since the cymbalta---and I really have the anxiety episodes so I am not usin it for thrills--I dont take anymore ever than I am supposed to either ,even though like I said it feels like its not workin 100%,but I try to deal the best way I can. My kids dont understand my husband finally admitted he was only saying he didnt understand because hes in denile. I cant believe the old me isnt here right now either,I cry alot,I worry alot,alot of days I think I am dying,or am going to die real soon. It just kills me that the mind can really do all this to people. I am trying to find support in my area which is going okay,but still is not enough for me. I go up to 50mg of Zoloft June 27th and am scared I just have never been like this its crazy ,just want to communicate with those who have same or similar things going on. I just want to be anxiety free and me again.

16-06-11, 23:24
Hi momof7

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes