View Full Version : Missed Heartbeats

17-06-11, 10:43
I posted on here a couple of weeks ago saying I was suffering from missed heartbeats etc, well they went away for a couple of days and they are now back with a vengence, they are happening every 3rd or 4th beat and I am trying not to let the anxiety get a firm grip of me. I know from experience that they do eventually go but at the time they are the worst thing ever to have. Does anyone have any tips to make them better or disappear?
Thanks for reading.

17-06-11, 11:03
I have never had a day in the past 6.5 years without these blasted things :( On a good day I'll have just one or two thumps, but there have been times when I've had hundreds a day. That was when I was terrified of them though, and I'm sure the fear made them worse. I'm pretty stressed atm so am getting more than the odd one or two. I guess all I can say is not to let them have power over you (easier said than done, I know.) and they will calm down. xxx

17-06-11, 13:52
Thanks so much for replying. I have had them for about 4 years coming and going as they please! Have been really anxious the past couple of week over something else and they just started again, its reassuring to talk with other people that are experiencing the same thing, my partner thinks I am being stupid and tells me to get a grip, which as you know would be the thing I would like to do the most! xx

17-06-11, 15:09
Oh honey, I'm so sorry to hear that :( I'm very lucky that my husband has always been very understanding. If you want someone to chat to you can PM me your email address or let me know how to find you on facebook :) xxx

17-06-11, 18:24
Hi, thanks for replying again. My partner tries to understand but probably gets frustrated with me asking him questions all the time. Most of the time he is fine. I am still going to work as I find this takes my mind of it a bit! When I went the doctors he didn't seem that bothered and said they are quite normal and harmless and that he suffers from them himself!! Thanks for the offer of chatting to you if I need to speak to someone who knows what it is like, you can find me on Facebook under Sarah Anderson (my profile pic is Howard Donald from take that)!!! X

17-06-11, 20:41
I have had them for over 20 years. I have never ever worked out why they are bad sometimes and good other times. on good days I only notice them two or three times but I have had them every 3rd beat for weeks on end in the past. They do seem to go after a few weeks as you say. I have avoided all caffeine and had them badly and then drunk coffee every day and they have been good. I have eaten bananas tokeep my potasiium levels up and I take magnesium supplements. I also get runs of multiple ectopics lasts up to 10 seconds and they are really scary!

18-06-11, 11:10
Hi, thanks for replying Countrygirl, its so good to know that I am not the only one who suffers from these. I think I will try the bananas and magnesium see if they do anything. As I am typing this it feels like my heart is bouncing all over the place!! Horrible horrible feeling.
Thanks for listening.