View Full Version : Please Help! Gas? Indigestion? Heart Problem?

17-06-11, 13:36
Hi everyone, this is the first time I've posted on here but i'd just like to say thanks to everyone on here. This website is really brilliant and has got me through some very difficult times, reading everyone's posts makes me feel less alone/insane :)

So I have been suffering from HA for nearly 2yrs now and like many of you i've been convinced i've had leukemia, lymphoma, brain tumor, MS, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer...the list goes on.

My GP is great and lets me come and talk to him as often as I need to (sometimes every week :wacko:) he prescribed me beta blockers a few months ago and I feel like i've been doing better...

HOWEVER - i'm panicking again. ok gross, but basically i had a small pile a few months ago. i used the cream and eventually it shrunk away to practically nothing, but now i've been getting the same discomfort, the pile isn't back to how it was but there's definite discomfort and itching etc.

Also i've been having tummy pains and digestive problems for a couple of weeks, i feel excessively gassy, my stomach has been gurgling loads and i get random bouts of constipation/loose stools.
STUPIDLY I googled and convinced myself I have bowel cancer!! (I am 22 so i know it's unlikely, but that's how my mind works!)

And the last few days i've been getting horrible indigestion-type pains in my upper-abdomen, which now feel like they are in the left side of my chest and back! so I am freaking out that something is wrong with my heart!!!

Sorry for writing such an essay! Are the chest pains caused by my gas and digestive problems?? and is it normal to get piles along with IBS-like symptoms??
Any help would be massively appreciated because i'm very scared yet again :weep:


17-06-11, 15:19
Hi honey :hugs:
I don't know anything about IBS really, but I do know that indigestion can cause chest pains. Often I have had a dull ache near my heart or a stabby pain and panicked that it was my heart, only to burp afterwards (sorry, TMI :D) So trapped air can cause chest pains. x

17-06-11, 15:38
Thanks so much for replying! I've been in proper freakout mode, i hate it when i get like this because i can't get any of my work done or speak to my friends or anything, it's extremely frustrating :doh:
It's really helpful to know that you get chest pains from gas too! I'm thinking it must be caused by the gas because my stomach is still maing loooads of gurgly noises. Also i played pretty high intensity sport for about 90mins last night which surely i couldn't do if i had a real heart problem...
I just want the pain to pass so I can stop being scared of an imminent heart attack!

Thankyou for your response :)


17-06-11, 16:16
Aww, any time :)
Yep, if your stomach is gurgling, it's definitely trapped air and you're spot on with the conclusion about the sports. You're fine :D xxx

17-06-11, 23:29

I've been through the same (my HA at the moment is thinking I have bowel cancer, googled it and came up with the same as you, think I'm coming through now and realising I haven't. Only after reassurance from the Dr). I had the same kinda symptoms Dr says they are IBS type symptoms which are anxiety linked. When you have anxiety it plays havoc with our digestive system and bowels.

So it's nothing to worry about. Hope this helps.

17-06-11, 23:46
I have terrible gas, was getting chest pains for a good few weeks which I think was one of the triggers for of anxiety coming back! my dr told me if I had a heart problem with the pains etc as I described them (exactly like you have) i would know it was my heart and would be in hospital or dead! So it kinda put my mind at rest!

I have IBS which has been really really bad (I have posts about it this week actually) have had terrible reflux and wind with it... Lying in bed now and my tummy and guts are making music lol.