View Full Version : MRI 10 days ago

17-06-11, 15:03
And still no results I'm petrified!!! It was of my stomach to look for a hernia. I'm having lots of ibs and reflux issues too. I'm scared they've found something awful!

Lele x

17-06-11, 15:09
If they had found something horrible they would have had you in within days! The longer they take the likilyhood is you are low priority therefore nil/or small problem found.

Hazel B
17-06-11, 15:49
I agree, you'd be called back ASAP if there was something really serious. Sometimes the hospital has a shortage of staff who can analyse results and other times they may need a second opinion if the scan is not clear enough or shows anything that is not seen much. By that I mean that these scanning tecniques are relatively new to medicine and they are still seeing new things.

Try not to worry too much, not easy but I'm betting it's nothing awful.

17-06-11, 20:44
Remember that as they are doing the scan they can actually see whats what - I know this because I have herniated disc and arthritis in my neck on the left side and on one of my scans they said to me as I was in the scanner " your problem is worse on the left side isn't it". Also at a private mri the scan lady said that she looks at the scans and does a report and then the scan and report are checked by a consultant Dr and he signs then report off and it is then sent to your Dr so if anything really nasty is seen at time of scan they would be in touch pronto but otherwise the scan/report waits for verification by consultant.