View Full Version : A few sypmtoms to describe

17-06-11, 17:37
Okay i hope you all read this, because i need answers as im worrying again. I am gonna try to keep it short as i can while explaining in detail.

Ok well lately my main symptom last few days is having this gurgling gas built up in my stomach and diapharam which seems like its triggering ectopic heartbeats for me? I can only describe as like having a bit of trapped air in me constantly to where it feels like i need to burp and as soon as that feeling of trapped air goes up toward top of stomach into bottom of my chest it makes me twinge or i feel an etopic happening, makes me cough real quick or jerk cause i feel like my heart will stop from it or something.

I am not sure if my anxiety is making it trigger more but today i had a dental cleaning to do and they take my blood pressure before they start and im always worrying about my bp and the fact that im at the dental clinic and i did notice while sitting in chair i was experiencing a lot more of this feeling, it was happening like every 30 secs it seemed. As soon as they started on my teeth thou i didnt really have it cuz my teeth were hurting so much from all the scraping my body i assume was focused more on that.

Sorry this is already getting long :/ hope everyone is still reading :) The other symptom i am getting sometimes and it happened real bad yesterday was i was at work in the hallway talking to a few people and they all wanted me to help them with something. Im the training manager. At the time i was having these conversations i started to feel very weak all of a sudden so i started walking back to my office, and the surge of weaknees faintness was going really strong through out my body and i was doing my best to stay calm and talk to my co worker on way back to office but i could no longer concentrate on what he was saying cause i just wanted to sit down because it felt like i was gonna fall over any sec or pass out. Scared me a bit but it went away as soon as i sat to relax and calm myself.

My big problem with my mind and anxiety and i tell my therapist this, is my mind is constantly monitoring my sensations and feeling and when i was in the hallway talking with everyone and answering all these questions my mind was saying to myself, "your doing good your actually not feeling any symptoms" then bam im feeling them. Happens a lot and most of the time of course my mind is just dwelling on the bad feelings like im having now.

The ectopic gas stomach feeling, light headedness and weakness, just tired of it all. Ive been extremly exhausted too but thats my fault for not getting enough sleep. But right now this consistent feeling of wind in my stomach (and im breathing normal) causing these ectopics or something, i just dont know but its keeping me worried which i hate. Just want to quit experiencing this or know why its happening????

Hope someone helps me with this :( If you read all that thanks, and hopefully i will get some respones :)

17-06-11, 17:51
Ive had both symptoms in the 6 years ive had an anxiety disorder. The weakness one always hits when im stood up in a semi-pressured environment. It happened today whilst i was shopping alone. It forces me to stop what I am doing and sit down and relax. Just like you I think ah great no symptoms and then it happens. Often new symptoms arise to catch me out. What we must think is how many of these symptoms actually turned out serious. I do not deny that at the time they feel extremely real and scary but looking back its almost guaranteed that nothing happened. I don't mean to lecture. I myself am struggling to life a normal life without health anxiety its good to hear other stories. I sometimes feel nuts when trying to explain my symptoms to others x

17-06-11, 18:04
Thanks for the quick response reena. I do my best to try and take everyones advice and my therapists advice especially the one you mentioned that we have to tell ourselves nothing serious has happened so dont worry yourself and just accept it. Also like you mentioned its hard to convicne yourself anxiety when they feel so serious. Like right now my head is still pretty woozy and i am having cold trembles throughtout my body, which i havent had that in a long time.

I know my body is prolly stressed out and tired though. I havent been letting myself get enough sleep for a while mostly 5 hours a night. I was about a few hours ago almost falling asleep in my chair at work a few times but once started moving around again the symptoms came back. Also my gf just left for military boot camp and those last few days with her here was really emotional for the both of us and didnt sleep at all really cause we were gonna miss each other so much. So ive had a lot on my mind lately i guess and these symptoms are just adding to it. :(

17-06-11, 18:05
The weakness and dizzy faint feeling is a symptom i get and its awfull and scary - Its like a rush of some sort ..i have depression anxiety ...Its very hard to explain ...its not like dizzy and in spinning around or being drunk ..its kinda weird and makes u believe its something terrible and serious and that you are seriously ill ! i wonder what causes it ? do u think its due to the a abnormal brain and how its working ...the brain chemistry etc etc

17-06-11, 18:10
My big problem with my mind and anxiety and i tell my therapist this, is my mind is constantly monitoring my sensations and feeling and when i was in the hallway talking with everyone and answering all these questions my mind was saying to myself, "your doing good your actually not feeling any symptoms" then bam im feeling them.

Me too! Exactly as you describe. The symptoms are real but a state of hypervigilance makes you notice them. If we can convince ourselves that they are not harmful and lose that nagging feeling that they are a sign of something sinister they fade away. I think CBT is about learning not to fear them. They then slowly, emphasis on slowly.... fade.

17-06-11, 18:32
Me too! Exactly as you describe. The symptoms are real but a state of hypervigilance makes you notice them. If we can convince ourselves that they are not harmful and lose that nagging feeling that they are a sign of something sinister they fade away. I think CBT is about learning not to fear them. They then slowly, emphasis on slowly.... fade.

Yes and i have been trying not to fear them and convince myself they are not harmful for the last 2 years and its so very hard as you know. My gf was pretty much my medicine, cause she would always make me feel better not just by words but by the physical comfort of having her there. Now she is gone off to bootcamp and i think thats why i could be getting a bit worse idk. Like right now i dont feel right and when i dont feel right my mind is constantly monitoring that until i get better and then once it notices im better it starts to wonder how long i will be better for until im back feeling symptoms again. Its just a never ending vicious circle and i dont know how to stop it yet :(

17-06-11, 18:43
This may sound a bit mad but i read somewhere that a man who was suffering anxiety wore a elasic band on his wrist and everytime he had a attack he just pulled it a few times to take his mind off it ..i have tried it and it does make the attacks seem much more less in terms of how long they last - distract the mind

17-06-11, 19:20
This may sound a bit mad but i read somewhere that a man who was suffering anxiety wore a elasic band on his wrist and everytime he had a attack he just pulled it a few times to take his mind off it ..i have tried it and it does make the attacks seem much more less in terms of how long they last - distract the mind

Funny you mention that because when mine gets at its worse i run really hot water over my hands to where i can hardly stand it. Crazy i know burning the hands, but i dont hurt my hands just enough to trigger my mind to respond to pull my hands out rather than focusing on the panic/anxiety.