View Full Version : eye probs

24-04-06, 03:39
hi al just wanted 2 ask some advice as its been worrying me abit i get a weird think going on with my eyes sometimes..it starts off with the same thing as if you look at a light bulb 4 2 long but it gets worse it sort of eminates outwards and is like a long sparkly line slowly moving over my eye..the doc says it sounds migranus but im just worried and wondered if others get the same sort of thing? as when it happens it has a knock on efect on my anxiety

thankyou all and take care


24-04-06, 07:27
I had this last week and found out my blood pressure is low.

I have a meter at home (its my husbands) sometimes my readings ok at the doctors but low at home ?


25-04-06, 12:35
Hi Russell,

The first time i had a PA i had what sounds like you sort of like tunnel vision and then bang my pa started.


25-04-06, 21:25
I get those when I look at bright lights for a long time, the light stays in my eye longer if I'm having a panic attack.

I say it's nothing to worry about :)

Scooties Back

25-04-06, 22:33
It sounds exactly like a migraine aura. That is a visual disturbance which can precede an actual migraine headache (but not always). I used to get them quite regularly but never had the headache. As you describe, it starts as a blob like when you look at a light bulb. This is usually in the centre of the field of vision or slightly off to one side. Then the sparkly arc appears and grows longer as it moves outwards. The vision is kind of disorganised within the arc. After about 20 mins, the arc moves out of the edge of the field of vision and it's all over apart from maybe feeling a bit queasy or thick-headed.

Mine stopped completely when I came off the contraceptive pill after many years. I think that missing meals and stress can be factors, as well as particular foods such as coffee, chocolate, citrus and some others beginning with C which I can't remember!

It's worth mentioning to the doctor again to see if there is anything you are doing or taking that might be a contributory factor. It can also be hereditary. By the way, if it happens when you are driving you should stop somewhere until it has passed.

I'm not surprised it makes your anxiety worse but rest assured that there are many people who get migraine auras. In the olden days, migraine sufferers were held in great esteem as these auras were regarded as holy visions!

Eeb x

26-04-06, 02:51
thankyou all and as i said i did think it was migrain orientated but i really needed 2 ask as i was not quite sure..your all very helpfull and nice people and if i can ever help back in any way ile be strait there


27-04-06, 22:49
since having panic attacks my eyes have been efected in a big way. they are very sensitive to light or even a detailed picture can be tough on my eyes. sometimes feel my eyes are gonna roll into back of my head, i cant have my pic taken if the flash is on as i will see the little white square for hours!


28-04-06, 10:13

Since I have had anxiety problems I too have been more sensitive to lights, camera flashes, sun and even daylight so I bought myself a pair of designer sunglasses and wear them quite a lot when I am out.
I also find that they give me a little bit more confidence as folks can't see the worried look in my eyes when I panic.

Sometimes I give myself the creeps,
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me,
It all keeps adding up,
I think I'm cracking up, Or am I just paranoid ..... Billie Joe Armstrong

05-05-06, 05:32
G'day guys
I've had it for yrs It's called a type A typical migraine.I don't get a headache - just the aura.If you take 2 paracetamol it will disappear in about 30 mins

Don't believe everything you think.