View Full Version : how to rid intrusive thoughts

17-06-11, 20:38
Hi, i have been sufferin10g with ocd and intrusive thoughts for 10 years and lately it has gotten worse where i think that if i look outside i will see the world spinning because that is what i keep thinking any help?

17-06-11, 20:58
what has really helped my intrusive thoughts is to just keep doing whatever it is i need to do. i tell myself that if i'm going to have these thoughts anyway then i might as well just do my life instead of sitting around being scared of them. which doesn't mean that i don't have those times where i do just that. but if i focus on them and give them power, they just get stronger. it took me awhile to finally get past them. i still get them once in awhile but i remind myself that it's a part of the anxiety and panic. and though it might feel like it's coming from out of nowhere, if i sit down with my thoughts and fears and keep questioning what i'm afraid of, i usually find that there's something i'm avoiding and this is its way of manifesting.
and because i've had them for a while i also remind myself that it hasn't killed me and i have never acted on those thoughts, and the world was not spinning. (i've had those kinds of thoughts, too.) so if it never happened, chances are it's not going to.
grounding helps also. do something physical. whatever it is. come back in to your body. do the dishes. sing out loud. go for a walk. stretch. clean the bathroom.
i hope you're feeling better soon. i know how scary and frustrating and sometimes just plain annoying it gets.

18-06-11, 15:40
i also have had the same for ten years although different intrusive thoughts.
i now see a cbt intensive therapist who is helping me and feels the best way is to think of them as a passing cloud and try not to hold onto them-which is hard work.
they are also doin exposure and prevention to gain control again.
i am also takin meds to ease the strain a bit.
hope that helps i know how awful they are and worse when noone understands

13-01-12, 22:12
I've had these same type of thoughts. I would keep thinking and trying to see the world spin. but its just thoughts, i got over this. I have more scarier things that I think about, but I'm telling you that you will get over this. Its hard to tell u dont worry cause I know its not so easy but DONT, it'll pass in time. :yesyes: