View Full Version : Ice Pick headache

17-06-11, 20:42
I haven't been sleeping well and the weather is changing but I can't stop thinking about these weird "ice pick" like pains in my head as of the past 2 days.

I get them at random and they hurt a lot for about 5-10 seconds...they also seem to be around the same spot in my head...lower right side of the back of my head, right behind my ear and in that part of my head.

I have a massive muscle knot in my shoulder and some pain in my neck but I am totally freaked out I am going to have an aneurysm or something. I am going to get a massage tomorrow but I am terrified something will happen in the meantime.

Does anybody else get these?:shrug:

17-06-11, 21:08
Hi, im not sure whether this will be of any help. But i can assure you i defo get this! I have it 24/7 and i feel like i cant explain the feeling, but you have explained it exactly how i would! Dont be scared, ive seen the doc about this and they said its normal :) try to relax x