View Full Version : Nervous new member!

17-06-11, 21:36
Hi, my name's Kathryn, I'm 24 and I live in the North East of England.

I suffer from panic attacks, which have increased dramatically in frequency this year. I had my first panic attack a couple of years ago when there was a spider in my bedroom (my biggest phobia!) and I didn't have one for years. This year I've had one or two a month, over various things such as spiders, job interviews, falling in the bath, having to have my puppy put down - amongst other things.

I live with my boyfriend, we moved in to a new house about 3 months ago and it's great, except I spend a lot of nights in by myself when he's out working - which often lead to worry and tears, however only had one panic attack when he's been out thankfully.

I work as a teacher in a primary school, only been there for 2 months but I love it :) I do get really stressed in my job which I'm sure doesn't help with my panicking but I'm working on it.

I decided to sign up to NMP tonight as I'm home alone and just had a 45 minute panic attack over a spider in my kitchen. I had to call my mam and cry down the phone for nearly an hour, paralysed to the spot, she managed to coax me away from the kitchen and to the settee. I have realised that being panicked is no way to live, as although my panic attacks only occur once a month I still have anxious feelings on almost a daily basis - checking walls and ceilings for spiders, scared of new things, worried what I've done won't be good enough for work, feeling overwhelmed etc.

I had some phone counselling earlier this year, about 4 sessions and although they helped with my head space at the time they didn't deal with the anxiety. I'm going to make an appointment with my GP for next week to see what he can do for me.

Well that's one heck of a long introduction but hey, that's me!

Kathryn x

17-06-11, 21:38
Hi katykaty

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

17-06-11, 21:52
Thank you Diane :) hoping to meet some people in similar situations, so I don't feel like I'm the only one who suffers anymore! Guessing I'm in the right place!

17-06-11, 22:41
Welcome to NMP :) Have fun and don't be afraid to say how you feel, we are all one big *anxious* family. Take care, Rafaela xx.

Vanilla Sky
18-06-11, 00:29
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

18-06-11, 01:57

:welcome: to the site

mandie x

18-06-11, 02:04
hey hunn welcome to nmp....and i hope u find help here hun take care

18-06-11, 02:17
Hi Kathryn

Welcome to NMP. We're all in the same boat on here so make yourself at home. I used to feel like the only one who had anxiety issues, but when you come on here you realise how common it is, not just in the UK, but throughout the world! We are all busy panicking!

Hope you get what you want from the site and make good progress in your anxiety battle.:welcome:


18-06-11, 11:59
Hi Kathryn,

Welcome from me too-I'm a very new member but had found this site when I was really acutely anxious last year and found that there was lots of information about exactly what I was going through. One of the most helpful things has been realising that other people have very similar problems with anxiety to the ones I have which is reassuring-I'm not alone in all of this and neither are you.
Take care, be gentle with yourself. Jx