View Full Version : Home alone with a panic attack

17-06-11, 22:17
Hi, this is my first real post and I'm a little nervous about it. I don't normally talk about my panic attacks, especially not to strangers.

I'm recovering from a panic attack earlier this evening and signed up to NMP to remind myself I'm not the only one who suffers.

My panic attack tonight was all over not one, but two spiders - of which I have a ridiculous phobia of!!

My boyfriend's at work and I'm home alone, so I thought I'd pop into the kitchen round 7.30ish to make myself some tea but then I spotted an average size spider on the floor, I shrieked and ran upstairs to get some fly killer spray. I managed to get quite close to it, a feat in itself for me, and sprayed it till it stopped moving. I stepped back feeling quite proud of myself for not panicking, then the spider moved again, I dove back in with the spray and for good measure (sorry animal lovers) poured a dollop of Daz fabric softener on it - I could think of nothing else to do!!
I stepped back again feeling slightly panicked but extra proud of myself. I then noticed something moving at the side of the room and noticed a HUGE spider scurrying along the floor and under the washing machine. I screamed and began crying hysterically. I could feel myself slipping into a panic attack as my heart rate rose, my breathing became quick and shallow and I was paralysed to the spot.
Thankfully I had my mobile in my pocket so I called my mam who knows about my phobia and panic attacks. She tried to talk me through the worst of it, counting my breathing and actually reminding me to breathe at times. She then distracted me while I gradually plucked up the courage to take slow steps back away from the kitchen - I find that when I've seen a spider I can't take my eyes off where I've seen it. My mam suggested driving over to my house but as my keys were on top of the washing machine (under which the spider was hiding) I wouldn't have been able to get them to let her in, so we had to make do with just a phone call.
After 45 minutes I was fairly calm and managing to sit on the settee - normally I can't sit on soft chairs after a 'spider attack' in case the spiders come through the fabric but somehow I got the courage to.

Now it's 2 hours later and I haven't moved from my spot on the settee - my heart is still racing but I've managed to distract myself with TV and my laptop. However my legs have serious muscle cramps and I keep going dizzy. My intention before the attack was to make tea, but I always lose any appetite during an attack and it doesn't return for a few hours so tea is the last thing on my mind.

The worst thing about the whole ordeal is that I know a spider is something so insignificant - if I stood on it it would be dead, but I still can't get myself to not be scared of them, in fact scared isn't strong enough a word for what I feel!

I'm not really sure what I'm wanting from posting this but somehow just writing it all down has helped!

17-06-11, 23:24
Yes coming on here can help and finding people who have the same issue I used to find reading my leaflets on panic helped my anxiety if it helps you then you should come and let you feelings out in words.

18-06-11, 02:50
Hi KatyKaty

Spider phobia is very common, so don't feel embarrassed or ashamed by it, especially on NMP! Luckily I don't suffer from this one, although I'm not keen on them or any insects come to that, but I do spend a lot of time removing spiders for others in the family. My other half is terrified of them, as are my children. My daughters told me the other day there was an enormous spider in the bathroom. Huge it is daddy, huge they said, you must come urgently they screamed. When I got there, expecting a tarantula or something exotic that had come in with a crate of bananas, I was releieved to find it wasn't much bigger than a money spider! Oh the things this anxiety does to us! :ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:


18-06-11, 02:54
Hate spiders........

18-06-11, 10:11
I can't stand spiders, no matter what size, even the smallest i dont like and if i know there is a spider somewhere i cant rest until its gone, Luckily in all the times i have known a spider to be there i have had someone to get rid of them, but i would have a huge panic attack myself if i was confronted alone type thing, So i think your dead brave and despite having a panic attack you have managed well.

Least you can talk yourself through your panic attack type thing, like relating it to the spider, you were fine until the spiders and so thats why your feeling like you are now, as apposed to just feeling like you do and having a panic attack over no apparant reason really.. thats when all kinds of things go through your mind. It does with me if i just have one out of the blue for no reason. :)

Spiders eh! lol x

18-06-11, 11:11
Thanks everyone - not worked out how to do individual replies on my Blackberry!

It's good to know I'm not the only one who would have reacted as I did in the situation, sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who is scared of spiders as when I tell people they're just like "well it's only a spider". Its quite comforting to know there are others who feel the same.

The situation wouldn't have escalated quite as much if I hadn't been home alone as I know my boyfriend had been at home he would have got the spider and diffused the situation.

When I went to bed I was still panicky, kept seeing spiders scuttling around. My boyfriend had to escort me to the toilet in case I found any in there!

This morning I managed to stand in the kitchen (the scene of last night's crime) for a few minutes, but I didn't loiter for too long - I wasn't going to push my luck!!