View Full Version : Struggling need advice

18-06-11, 10:27
As soon as i wake up and all day long all i think about is my anxiety like why do i feellike this all the time why have i got it why cant i do things as i always think i cant do this or that because of my anxietyi always seem to blame my anxiety and i dont know how to challenge these thoughts like im suposed to and trhink something positive instead can any one please give me some advice to help me stop thinking this way .as i think im not going to get better if i keep thinking or blaming anxietyfor the way i am so if any one can help me id be relly grateful thk you

18-06-11, 10:30
I can't help because I feel the same but I go through exactly what you are today is the worst I have been in a long long time. The only thing that keeps me going is the fact that I don't want tablets again and I need to keep my job to pay the rent so I don't end up back at my parents so you just have to keep going and maybe just accept people get illnesses some get heart trouble, some people get asthma we have just got anxiety and it will be bad some days and some days it will be better.

18-06-11, 10:59

What you are going through is common amongst anxiety sufferers. If you are not on medication to control it, you need to occupy yourself as much as possible. Keeping busy will distract you and help to get your body uinder control

18-06-11, 11:07
Thk you both for ur advice think i now know that i mustjust exept that i have got anxiety and it cant harm me so thk you again

18-06-11, 11:24
You definitely need some kind of direction to help you get better! Have you been to see your GP?

I would go to the library and look up some self help books - my favourite is the "Anxiety & Depression Workbook for dummies", it helps you pinpoint some of your unhealthy thoughts and behaviours and where they come from. Even though I have a pretty good understanding of my anxieties there were definitely contributing factors making it worse and being aware of what they were is making it easier to address how to make it better.

18-06-11, 11:33
Hi ive been to see my gp as ive had it for a few years now and been told i have gad and ha but it has got bad again the last few mnths ive had cbt but the coucilor who i had wasnt very good i wont take meds and im starting a mindfulness course in july as they say that might help me i struggle with the challengeing thoughts and like most of us on here i hate the feelings and symtoms u get and struggle with them

18-06-11, 11:44
That sounds like a good idea! I'm sure it will help but that is a while off yet and you seem like you are having a hard time right now.

Why don't you try looking through http://www.getselfhelp.co.uk/freedownloads2.htm

just past halfway is all the guidance pages. It was provided by musse on this page: