View Full Version : Fast pulse when I get up in the morning and breathlessness..

18-06-11, 11:21
Hi there,

I've been feeling weird the last week or so (started when I started with a temple pain and felt kinda 'out of sorts') but the last week I've been feeling more breathless -like when I'm talking I feel like it takes a lot of breath and energy, and I've noticed when I get up in the morning my pulse is going really fast and hard. Today I feel as if the two aare connected -and my fast pulse is making me breathless.
Last night I started feeling horrible and spent the evening in and out of bed, definately got in a panic -it was breathlessness and horrible nausea, plus indigestion and heartburn.
Last night I kept waking and today it's this fast heartrate and breathlessness -just when I'm sitting but particularly when trying to do anything.
I'm on 20mg Citalopram which I have been since last September. I've just started doing a bit more work-wise (which still is very little) so I know there's been a bit more stress lately, anyway I'm just looking for some reassurance that this truly can all be anxiety! (again!)

I'm a 25 year old female

P.s I had an echocardiagram and 24 hour monitor about a year and a bit ago and they never got back to me (apparently this means nothing is up)though I was meant to go back just to see the Dr there again (the arrangement they make before they even carry out your test) but I kept getting too ill to go so they must've crossed me off the list. I wonder is a year ago near enough to detect anything? (I only mention this as you know how it is with what springs to mind!)

Thanks for reading my ramblings.

18-06-11, 12:11
Hey, Violet.

I found your post a bit ironic, because your situation sounds a lot like mine. I'm a 22 year old male suffering from pretty much the exact same symptoms.. Constant anxiety, really fast pulse, feels like my heart is going to pound through my chest.. Chest muscles get tight and make it difficult to breathe.. And all the stress causes stomach problems. This began happening to me about two months ago.. I too am on 20mg of Celexa, planning on bumping up to 30mg.

It absolutely sounds like you're having anxiety. I have a really hard time with the shortness of breath.. I think my asthma flares up during my anxiety, too.

But knowing your symptoms and knowing that it is indeed anxiety, is three quarters of the battle. Up until a few days ago, I had a difficult time accepting that it was just anxiety.. Since then, most of my worry has decreased, along with the symptoms.

I have a harder time when I first wake up in the morning and at night. It seems to fluctuate. Sometimes I can do strenuous activities and not have much of a problem.. Other times, I feel seriously winded after just going up the stairs.. But I truly believe that it's mostly mental, because it seems to get better when I'm not worried or focusing on it.

I really hope you start to feel better.

18-06-11, 14:45
Thanks so much for your reply LiveAboveIt. Yeah it's happened before that anxiety itself has caused the stomach stuff which has made me even more worried!
I know exactly what you mean about if you can *know* it's anxiety the symptoms go away, so I'm just having to believe it's anxiety right now and see if they go!

You said you're planning to bump your meds up -how long have you been on 20mg if you don't mind me asking? Also are you planning on doing it yourself or getting a recommendation from your doctor?

Many thanks!

19-06-11, 18:14
Sometimes it's hard.. You want to accept that it's anxiety, so the symptoms will go away.. It always feels like it's the worry that is 80% of the issue.. But there's always that nagging feeling in the back of your head of "What if it's this, or that." But if you can manage to convince yourself it's anxiety, it always seems to improve.. Also, something I've been doing lately.. If I can't completely convince myself that my symptoms are anxiety.. I talk to myself and say.. "Well, okay.. For just a moment.. Pretend that you aren't worried.. Pretend that you know it's anxiety and just breathe.. Even if it IS something bad, what have you got to lose by trying this?" Most of the time this technique seems to help me. I almost have to TRICK my mind, because the anxiety is just too overwhelming to ignore logically.

I've tried tooling my medication on my own and it doesn't end well.. I always end up nervous if I get new symptoms or side effects. I would suggest ALWAYS getting help from a doctor when changing dosage. I've actually been on 20mg for about a week and a half now.. And about the third day taking it at 20mg, I noticed how much of an improvement it was making.. Hasn't quite cut it yet, though.. I'm still struggling with alot of anxiety and my OCD seems to be taking control.. But I only notice improvement with every dosage increase, so I'm hoping that 30mg will be the right spot. Although, I haven't really been on 20mg long enough to give it a real chance and know for sure.

I hope you're feeling well.

19-06-11, 21:20
Breathlessness is horrible, I am a HA sufferer myself, although bouts happen very very rarely (maybe once or twice a year now, I mean serious bouts).
The trouble is, because it happens so rarely now, I forget about the symptoms, and when they happen they freak me out, I'd forgotten about the breathlessness until yesterday (yes I'm having another bout now), but it is definately a strong symptom.
I get it more after meals. Racing heart beat and breathlessness and effort to speak.
"Liveaboveit" you have a fantastic trick!! You need to trick your mind, that's exactly it.

19-06-11, 21:22
Actually, I have just freaked out at the amount of posts I have sent on here. 78!! My goodness, I've come a long way!!