View Full Version : pain in my ribs

24-04-06, 10:52
hi there, i noticed last night and this morning that i have a pain under my ribs at the side when i breathe in, last night it was on my left side and this morning its on my right then it goes away, im having stomach pains and im feeling really lousy, i got a drs appointment this afternoon at 3.40 and im dreading what shes gonna say, i made the appointment cos i thought i had ovarian cancer as i was having stomach pains all the time and lower back pain, the back pain isnt there so much but yesterday i was having pains in my legs, im dreading going im really panicked and now this new symptom. HHHEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPP!!!!!love deb(newbie)

debra duffield

24-04-06, 11:54
these are all anxiety symptoms, symptoms of tension and tired muscles that we all have. but the doc will put your mind at ease if only for a little while

i have had the things you mention many times, try not to panic


Silly Blonde
24-04-06, 12:04
Hi Debs - you sound just like me! I begged my GP to refer me for a pelvic ultrasound last month because I too convinced myself I had ovarian cancer etc etc.

Needless to say, the ultrasound was fine!

I get frequent heartburn pains (between my shoulder blades) lower abdominal pain and back ache. On a good day, I tell myself its just plain old IBS, but on a bad day, like today, I've now got cervical cancer (the only reason why I say this is because I have my routine smear this week and it has started me off worrying).

I have learned from my psychologist that its ok to go to my GP once with a problem, but if you go again and again for the same problem, the constant reassurance justs feeds the anxiety cycle. So you MUST believe your GP when he/she puts your mind at rest!!!!

We need to learn to trust and reassure ourselves. Hark at me!! Maybe I should practice what I preach!

Take care


06-05-06, 21:56
It's so good to hear that people have EXACTLY the sane worries as me! This time last year I told myself I had IBS and cut certain things out of my diet - I was alright for a bit. It started when I had come off the pill and found my periods were only two days long and we started trying for a baby and had no success as soon as I thought we would (still not pregnant!!):(

My back pain is on the left but it feels like it's related to an ache that I have in my leg, on and off. It's not always there and it doesn't seem to be triggered by anything. And now I think the pains I've been having in my abdomen for a YEAR, on and off, is ovarian cancer. I've had bowel, cervical, skin and breast cancer in the last twelve months as well!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's crap, isn't it? I just hope that it all fades away when I eventually get pregnant cause I'm sure that's what started me off on this cycle of worry!:)