View Full Version : Constant Nausea - help

18-06-11, 11:23
Hi - I have had really bad nausea for two weeks now - I feel sick from the minute I wake up to the time I go to bed. The only time I dont feel nausea is when I am eating. I also have a bright yellow tongue.

Is nausea a sign of stress? I am getting so upset with myself as I cannot function properly feeling so sick.

Thank you

18-06-11, 12:18
Hey, Ambers.

Are you under alot of stress? If you're suffering from anxiety.. All the stress can REALLY do in your body and screw with your digestive system.. Which usually causes alot of people to have bad nausea and is a really common anxiety symptom.

I also had a friend that had a white, yellow tongue at one point, and his doctor said that it's just something that some people get, usually involving lots of stress.

So right there I would assume that both of the nausea and yellowish tongue are both signs of stress or anxiety on your body. Stress really can take alot out of us.

I wish you well and hope you start to feel better soon.

18-06-11, 13:01
Thank you - that is reassuring. I have suffered from panic attacks but had them in check. I do feel better emotionally but I suppose stress can pop up in all forms. I feel stress because of the symptoms :mad:

macc noodle
18-06-11, 13:02
Hey Ambers,

All part of the abdo buddies problem babe!!! Perpetuating stress and anxiety depletes our bodies and affects all areas of digestion.

I have been feeling sick every day i wake up for about a month now - just like being pregnant although most definitely not!

Try and drink lots of water to flush out the system and eat little and often - it will pass and be replaced with some other symptom as we both only know too well now honey.



18-06-11, 14:47
Hi Jan - It just keeps on morphing... i can't keep up with it. I am such a strong person but sometimes I think it beats me :weep:

why oh why