View Full Version : I can feel the panic rising :o(

18-06-11, 11:28
Here we go again:huh:

I've not been feeling that good since Monday, nothing that really stood out apart from a raised temp so have been taking paracetemol every 4 hours. Thurday evening felt a lower dull pain in my tum and started needing to pass urine more often.

Saw my gp yesterday and explained my symptoms and she said it sounded very much like a water infection (altho she didn't do a urine test) She felt my tum and It was quite tender moreso to the right.

I told her that my bowel movements for sometime have been soft and not formed, and that I could go quite a few times a day, which leaves me with what I can only imagine some would call 'ring sting'...tmi sorry:blush: She then gave me an examination of the back passage and said she couldn't feel anything untoward, but to keep her informed if it continues and she would send me for some tests.:huh:
Well my mind since has been racing and I'm starting to think I should have gone sooner about my bowel issue and not left it so long...!
Anyone else suffer in this way?
Trish x

18-06-11, 11:33
Forgot to add she put me on a 3 day course of antibiotics.

19-06-11, 10:32
Can I please have your thoughts on this?

I'm on my last day of antibiotics and I still feel this low uncomfortable feeling in my lower tum, I am now worrying that this is not the water infection, but something sinister with my bowel:huh:

19-06-11, 10:35
It sounds like anxiety to me on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday I had a horrible niggle in my stomach I got taken out shopping for half an hour and when I got back it had strangely gone I think it's just anxiety.

Also I have had to go to toilet a lot more recently and yes it's very annoying but that is nerves and it does cause discomfort to me too.