View Full Version : chest pain vomiting palps?

18-06-11, 12:31
All those things are a sign of a panic attack, right?

I've had a few episodes lately (going back a few months) where I'll get a small chest pain/pressure. I can't tell if it's indigestion, muscle, heart or what.

Then, I think, because I'm focussing on it, I get breathless. My heart starts racing. Then I start gagging, then I throw up.

But I don't know...these are also heart attack signs.

And it is scaring the beejesus out of me. I have a doc appt. Tuesdest pay.

I've also had some instances of chest pain/zaps followed by dizziness.

Anyone else have similar?

I should say last year I had a whole series of cardiac tests, and all was okay.

18-06-11, 13:29
I have had something similar a lot!
I had it last night, but it was so intense I thought I would die.
I started feeling very hot, like my skin was on fire, at one point I even started sweating, my heart was racing like 200bmp or something, I was dizzy, I felt like I was going to just hit the floor, I felt nauseas, like I couldn't breathe, I then started having a bit of pain.
This went on for about an hour until I just fell asleep!
I'm so scared at 22 that I'm having heart attacks or something more sinister than panic attacks :(